Last night we had the second "Team Perry" Christmas event. We all went out to Kevin and Sherry's house for Cookie decorating! Brian and Jennie provided the naked cookies and frosting. I brought out the sprinkles and dinner. It was a total blast! After we finished cooies, we all played Balderdash. Could there be a more perfectly named game for this crazy family?
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas gifts to service providers....

I am sitting here listening to the TV. They are talking about what is "appropriate" to tip your service providers for the holidays! YIKES!!!!!!!!!! Who are they kidding. If I "tipped" all these people as they suggest, I would be more than doubling what I spend now. They are suggesting the cost of a service to my hair stylist or nail person. My mechanic??!! Give me a break! My mail carrier.....REALLY? There is a reason they can't take cash. Could it be because this whole phenomenon is ridiculous?
I understand a Christmas (yes, I said Christmas!) gift for a teacher or someone you spend hours every day with. That would be someone important in your day to day life and a small gift is a token of your relationship.
Maybe I should be wearing green rather than red this season, when I hear this kind of propaganda, it sends me to my personal soap box!
I understand a Christmas (yes, I said Christmas!) gift for a teacher or someone you spend hours every day with. That would be someone important in your day to day life and a small gift is a token of your relationship.
Maybe I should be wearing green rather than red this season, when I hear this kind of propaganda, it sends me to my personal soap box!
The wrapping room
It is official! The wrapping room is set up and ready to go. I moved stuff out of "my room" upstairs, set up the table, pulled the bows, ribbons and wrapping paper and "geegaws" out of the closet, set out the red pen, tape and scissors. Ready for action! I actually wrapped packages last night. Much fewer than in the past. For some reason, I used to go way over board on presents. I know what it was, I would buy things and forget I had would think that would be my claim now (you know age and all that). I guess it helps that the kids are all grown up and we all focus more on family and being together than the stuff under the tree! I still have a couple of things to pick up, but I am very close to being done....
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Our Christmas Elf...
We had a visit from a Christmas elf yesterday!
I got to watch Jameson while his mom and dad worked. Well, Jennie was working. Brian was at a real estate class, technically working.
Jameson and I had so much fun, reading books, listening to Christmas music and playing with toys under the Christmas tree.
Brian forgot to bring the stroller, so we didn't get to go for a walk. But the day was full and so much fun!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Alex's 'Special Pie"
After dinner on Sunday, we all got goofing off with the left over whipped cream from dessert. Brian thought I told him to put the whip cream pie on Alex. I had told him to put it on Kai. Alex turned his face away just as the "pie" was making it's landing, so he got it on the back of his head.
This was much funnier...something tells me Brian didn't really misunderstand what I was saying!
A Perfect Present!
Sometimes things happen that seem almost perfect. Last Friday Jennifer asked me my plans for Sunday. She explained that they wanted to come over and put up the Christmas tree and decorations. It was VERY hard for me to say, "That would be terrific!" Very hard because I am a very independent, hard headed person. I was touched by her gesture and moved to allow my kids to do this kindness for their dad and me. She and her family, Kevin, Sherry, Brian and Jameson were all there to help or cheer on the others. Jennie had a prior commitment, but did stop by to drop off Jameson on her way to her date. Everyone dug in and got the job done. It was really fun and the tree is absolutely beautiful. We finished the night with home made turkey pot pie and salad and left over pie. It brought the Christmas season roaring into my house with the very real meaning of the season all warm and wonderful as our prize. Thank you isn't enough, but anything more isn't either! Thank you kids. I love you all.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Favorite Audience
Today at Monroe, Hattie finished her AKC Championship and Kona earned his final leg toward an AKC Rally Novice title. All with my favorite audience there to watch!
Greg, Jennifer, Maya, Kevin and Sherry all came out to the Evergreen State Fairgrounds to support my silly hobby.
Thank you, all of you. I appriciate it, even thought I know that i am preoccupied, I do recognize your support!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Herbie Heading to California

Herbie is a rescue dog currently in the very good care of Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club. Through networking within the community of the dog world, he is headed to California! A friend in the Bearded Collie community had a friend who was interested in a Cairn. She contacted me and through what I call a series of "coincidences" Herbie is headed into her life!
We had been emailing back and forth until last weekend when I met Herbie. My first thought about this sweet boy was that he would be perfect for this lady! Then I found out another friend was headed to California this next the same city! Okay, too many "coincidences" for me. I emailed her, sending a picture and she was hooked. This coming weekend they will meet. Keep your fingers crossed for another happy ending.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Heavenly Day!!
I got to have Jameson hang out with me for a couple of hours yesterday...Halloween. As you can see by his "costume"!
We had so much fun together. The best payoff was the big smile as his dad took him out of the car and I said "Hi" to him!
We went for a walk to have a play date with Harper, but we were late, so Harper had left for a picture appointment. Jameson played with some of Harper's toys at Auntie Nanci's house and then told me he was ready for his nap.
We walked home, enjoying the brisk autumn day. Me walking beside the stroller and him smiling and talking about the leaves and telling me all about his wonderful life so far. (I had to walk beside, because I can't see him if I am walking behind!)
All too quickly mom was there to take him home and our time for this day was ended.
About 45 minutes later, Darth Vader (Kai), and Ariel (Maya) arrived for our traditional chili before the evening Trick or Treat/Harvest Festival. The only kid missing was Faith! Seeing all four would have made it a perfect day, but as I said, it was a "Heavenly Day"!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Motor home is home!
Yesterday Greg and I went to the RV "Hospital" in Moses Lake to bring the motor home back. Greg was pretty excited to be able to finally have it on west side of the mountains...I was being a bit cynacle (sp) and had just decided that we really didn't have a motor home anymore. Hehe. Just kidding, but after being put off for about the 4th time, I had just decided that we would get it when we did and didnt have any plans for it this fall! Lucky for me.
When we got to the shop where the work was being done, we were surprised to find that there was no mirror on the passenger side. "No problem, just a bit a fix, should just take 25-30 minutes." So, we decided to take the dogs for a walk along the lake to pass the time. It was VERY cold, we weren't dressed to spend more time out than it took for them to potty, so back in the car and a little nap. When we returned we found that it was more of a problem than anticipated. "Can you give us til about 4:00?". So, now what. We went and did a little shopping at Wal Mart. Back about 4:15 and it still wasn't ready. The epoxy wasn't setting up. Okay. Plan "C"! I was to follow Greg and be his right hand mirror. Goody!
So, about 9:15 last night we arrived home. Tired, but thankful that we had made it with no other adventures. Kevin came over today and he will fabricate an aluminum block to repace the piece that still hasn't cured. Hopefully that is the end of this story!
When we got to the shop where the work was being done, we were surprised to find that there was no mirror on the passenger side. "No problem, just a bit a fix, should just take 25-30 minutes." So, we decided to take the dogs for a walk along the lake to pass the time. It was VERY cold, we weren't dressed to spend more time out than it took for them to potty, so back in the car and a little nap. When we returned we found that it was more of a problem than anticipated. "Can you give us til about 4:00?". So, now what. We went and did a little shopping at Wal Mart. Back about 4:15 and it still wasn't ready. The epoxy wasn't setting up. Okay. Plan "C"! I was to follow Greg and be his right hand mirror. Goody!
So, about 9:15 last night we arrived home. Tired, but thankful that we had made it with no other adventures. Kevin came over today and he will fabricate an aluminum block to repace the piece that still hasn't cured. Hopefully that is the end of this story!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
This was in Moses Lake last week. John Schuster just sent it to me. John, Barb and I were doing the dishes one night while they were waiting with me for the motor home (which is still being worked on). It was so funny! Barb and I were going crazy about it and John was jumping around trying to find his camera and get himself organized to capture the images. One of the things I am loving about being so involved with the dogs is the opportunity to be "in" the world. Involved with people and the outdoors..not to mention the awesome road trips and adventures.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I just checked on the family blogspots. I am truely blessed! Today Jennifer asked me if I would help out with Maya. Jennifer was doing something with Kai's class and needed someone for just a short time until Maya went to school. So, I agreed to pitch hit. Then I came up with a plan. Lunch out...then Brian wanted to come and so did we had a party. My favorite kind, spontaneous! We let Maya choose the spot..Wendy's. As hard as Greg tried, he could not get her to choose Taco Time. He tried tricking even. "So, Maya, next stop Taco Time, right?" Maya winked at me, laughed and said; "Nope, Wendy's!" She is such a delight. Then I checked the blogs and there is a darling picture of Jameson! One of him laughing and then one of him with a pumpkin, howling like a banshee. I am blessed.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Fun Saturday on Widbey Island
We awoke this morning to rain and the promise of a day full of the same. Tentative on our schedule was to go up to Widbey Island for a practice with the earth dog club we belong to. I tried to be a sissy and stay home. Luckily Greg really wanted to go practice, so we went. As it turned out, the skies cleared up and was quite a lovely day. Of course as I say that, I am remembering the outfit I had on. Lined wind pants, rain pants over that, Long sleeve shirt, fleece jacket, rain jacket, fleece lined rain hat, fleece socks over cotton socks inside muck boots! It was after lunch when the rain stopped and the sun came out, but looking for the silver lining, I choose to hold on to that. It is my bubble and I will stay there...thank you very much!
The dogs had a wonderful time. There was a "Barn Hunt" which Kula aced. She usually acts like all the earthdog stuff is beneath her, but she got into the hunt in the barn. Hattie did well on it too, Kona was too excited about hunting the field to be bothered with the stuff in the barn.
Another fun day with the dogs!
The dogs had a wonderful time. There was a "Barn Hunt" which Kula aced. She usually acts like all the earthdog stuff is beneath her, but she got into the hunt in the barn. Hattie did well on it too, Kona was too excited about hunting the field to be bothered with the stuff in the barn.
Another fun day with the dogs!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Flying time
It is officially fall in Washington. The first windstorm hit today with gusts up to 65 mph. The neighbors trees are still standing....a little lighter than they were 8 hours ago, but so far so good.
The Cairn Terrier National Specialty in Pennsylvania is over. Kona was 1st in the Working dog class. Kula ran out of the ring for agility both I get to retrain what we do in the ring, since apparantly she thinks what we do is to run out of the ring. Kona did not qualify in rally, but did earn an Earthdog leg...#2 of 4 needed for his title. Hattie placed in her conformation class, but was not able to compete in earthdog (the girl thing).
Kona earned #3 leg in Earthdog in Moses Lake...the last one of the year in Washington, he still needs one more leg for his title and one more leg in Rally for a title there.
Seems hard to believe there are pumpkins everywhere and the spiders are spinning like crazy...didn't I just finish planting flower baskets? Just today I noticed Halloween decorations in the neighbors yards.
The Cairn Terrier National Specialty in Pennsylvania is over. Kona was 1st in the Working dog class. Kula ran out of the ring for agility both I get to retrain what we do in the ring, since apparantly she thinks what we do is to run out of the ring. Kona did not qualify in rally, but did earn an Earthdog leg...#2 of 4 needed for his title. Hattie placed in her conformation class, but was not able to compete in earthdog (the girl thing).
Kona earned #3 leg in Earthdog in Moses Lake...the last one of the year in Washington, he still needs one more leg for his title and one more leg in Rally for a title there.
Seems hard to believe there are pumpkins everywhere and the spiders are spinning like crazy...didn't I just finish planting flower baskets? Just today I noticed Halloween decorations in the neighbors yards.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I know that life is full of challenges. I appreciate that. Last weekend at an agility trial, a dog "jumped" Kula. He didn't physically harm her, but he did something far worse. He stole her confidence. We were waiting our turn for an agility run. All of a sudden this Portugese Water Dog just snarled and jumped at her. She yelped and was behind my leg so fast! As I said, she was not hurt physically, but she has not completed a run since that time. I did prevent her from running out of the ring one of the five runs since then. She did not finish any of them. Worse than that, she is fearful and wants nothing to do with the whole thing! I am so upset and sad, I can not imagine what she must be feeling. Worse than that is that I think she doesn't trust me! I was standing beside her and that dog went after her. I will rebuild that trust, I am afraid it may take a long time and it is very sad since she is so good at the course work.....there is the challenge! We are both up for it! We will run the courses together and the green ribbons will be ever so much sweeter.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Agility class is over
Our current session of agility is now officially over. We have lots of trials coming up. Two in Enumclaw this coming weekend. Two in Redmond the following weekend. We are going to run a course called FAST this weekend, guess I better pull out the rules and refresh myself! Because of trips and stuff going on, I can't sign up for another class right away. Too bad, Kula loves it so much. Hope to have an agility title this weekend, that would be fun!
Friday, August 10, 2007
A little thing
It is such a little thing.....
My computer is now hooked to a printer! I am so thrilled. I am now able to print things for myself. Since I returned from Montana, the only option I had was to forward Greg the things I needed printed and wait for him to do it for me.
Many have said I am a bit of a control freak. I think this proves I am not. I have been very laid back about all of this. I must admit, just a couple of day ago, I did dump about a dozen requests on him. Do you think there may be a connection to my current "connected" status? Hmmmm.
My computer is now hooked to a printer! I am so thrilled. I am now able to print things for myself. Since I returned from Montana, the only option I had was to forward Greg the things I needed printed and wait for him to do it for me.
Many have said I am a bit of a control freak. I think this proves I am not. I have been very laid back about all of this. I must admit, just a couple of day ago, I did dump about a dozen requests on him. Do you think there may be a connection to my current "connected" status? Hmmmm.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Fun Weekend
We just spent the weekend at the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club Fun in the Sun Weekend. It was a lot of fun. On Saturday, we had lots of performance events presented for folks to try out. We did earthdog training, agility, flyball, and rally.
Kula and Kona each earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen Award. I wish I would have entered Hattie. It was a very limited testing option, only 11 allowed and I had 2 of the slots, I already felt like a bit of a little pig, so decided that Hattie could get hers the next time it is offered.
Anyway, that means more letters at the end of their names. Kula RN, CGC. Kula has one agility leg earned on her way to her first agiltiy title. Ch.Cairngorms Coffee, Tea or Me SE, CGC. Kona also is on his way to a Rally title with one of two "legs" earned. Hattie is learning some of the things she needs to know to get started with her performance titles.
A lot of folks attended the event over the two days. There were lots of options for people to try new things and I think everyone had fun. My grandkids came on Sunday and got to take a couple of dogs around playing games and ended the day taking Recee and Kula in the ring for conformation. They really had a wonderful time and were darling...of course!
Kula and Kona each earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen Award. I wish I would have entered Hattie. It was a very limited testing option, only 11 allowed and I had 2 of the slots, I already felt like a bit of a little pig, so decided that Hattie could get hers the next time it is offered.
Anyway, that means more letters at the end of their names. Kula RN, CGC. Kula has one agility leg earned on her way to her first agiltiy title. Ch.Cairngorms Coffee, Tea or Me SE, CGC. Kona also is on his way to a Rally title with one of two "legs" earned. Hattie is learning some of the things she needs to know to get started with her performance titles.
A lot of folks attended the event over the two days. There were lots of options for people to try new things and I think everyone had fun. My grandkids came on Sunday and got to take a couple of dogs around playing games and ended the day taking Recee and Kula in the ring for conformation. They really had a wonderful time and were darling...of course!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Family Reunion
Well, home now and exhausted! It was a wonderful reunion. We really missed those who weren't there to share the time with us. Jay, Ryan, Samantha and Katrina were all missing and very missed! We love them all and hope that they will be able to join us next year. That is the wonderful thing about our reunion, they know when it will be next year and we hope they can plan ahead for it. Sometimes it doesn't work out though for what ever the reason and those who can't make it are missed and mentioned. I don't know how many times my family mentioned how much Jay would have loved the place he chose. Mt. Hood Village Resort was a good choice. Jay had decided on this with his number one priority moderation of temperature. He was right on. It was lovely. Quite cool in the mornings in the camp area where we were based, warmer out by the cabins and perfect for hikes and biking and other activites! We got to meet Jessica's husband and he seemed undaunted by the crazy Perry clan. We celebrated Michelle's birthday as usual, she turned 14 this year.
I came up with a new twist for next year. Barb, Annette, Cheryl, Julie and myself are going to "do a spa weekend" next year. The weekend before reunion we are going to a nearby spa and hang out, charging up our batteries for the reunion festivities! I noticed that it is hard for us to get down time with all of our children and families voila! Evolution!
Grandpa and Barb won the BBQ cookoff this year. It was EXTREMELY close counts and fabulous food. (We got to have Jennifer's pulled pork for lunch yesterday...yummm!)
David and Cheryl were chosen to recieve the "good attitude" (sorry I don't remember the official name it was created to honor the attitude that Kristine Perry used to bring to camp) trophy...Congratulations to them!
It took us over 6 hours to get home yesterday. We had to make one stop in Portland that was about an hour. Traffic was incredible! It is good to be home. Today I get to clean the motorhome and get it ready for next weekend.
I came up with a new twist for next year. Barb, Annette, Cheryl, Julie and myself are going to "do a spa weekend" next year. The weekend before reunion we are going to a nearby spa and hang out, charging up our batteries for the reunion festivities! I noticed that it is hard for us to get down time with all of our children and families voila! Evolution!
Grandpa and Barb won the BBQ cookoff this year. It was EXTREMELY close counts and fabulous food. (We got to have Jennifer's pulled pork for lunch yesterday...yummm!)
David and Cheryl were chosen to recieve the "good attitude" (sorry I don't remember the official name it was created to honor the attitude that Kristine Perry used to bring to camp) trophy...Congratulations to them!
It took us over 6 hours to get home yesterday. We had to make one stop in Portland that was about an hour. Traffic was incredible! It is good to be home. Today I get to clean the motorhome and get it ready for next weekend.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I am getting excited!
for our Perry Family Reunion! I was looking through pictures from Christmas when we were all together. I happened to be going through a series of David and Cheryl's family. I was thinking wow, do they have a big clan. Then I realized....we do too! I think they are the same size unless I don't have Sarah's kid count correct. (I hope it is still only 4). What a great family (the entire total). I know we will be missing some folks this year (we did last year too) and that is a bit sad. It is always more fun when we are all there. Of course, if we never have us all together, we can forever avoid the dreaded GROUP PHOTO! That didn't slow us down last year. I wonder where that is...I need to find it!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Meet the grand dogs.
Last weekend we got to spend some time with our grand dogs. Augie is on the end of the leash held by Kevin. Recee is the black dog in the x-pen with Hattie.
Augie is a rescue who lives with Kevin, Sherry and Laney in Lake Stevens. Laney is his pet lab mix. She was the first member of the family he got really excited about. The day he was adopted last summer. He participated in his first earth dog trials last weekend. He did okay for a very young dog. The first time in the tunnels, he really didn't go "in" the tunnel! Kevin was pretty discouraged I think. I suggested they leave him at "Camp Cairn" for the night so he could have more chances to practice. After some practice time that evening with "Granndpa Greg", he went into the tunnel on his next entry. Not very far, still not understanding exactly what it was he was supposed to be doing. But farther than the times before. He just needs time on the rats and he will get it. He has a very strong prey drive with toys at home, so it is just a matter of the game clicking in.
On the other hand we have Recee. She is a former show girl. A champion and holds a Junior Earthdog title. She lives with Jennifer, Alex, Kai and Maya. All humans which is what she likes. She loves to come to Nonni's and hang out with the cousins for a while, but does not want to be treated like a dog for a that long! She was at Camp Cairn last weekend too. She does understand the game, having earned a title already, but last weekend I think she wanted her family there playing with her. She hunted and had a wonderful time, but did not qualify.
Hopefully both of these guys will be able to come to the play days in August to have more fun with both canine buddies and the humans in their lives.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Holy cow! I am officially old now. 97 degrees and all I am thinking about is keeping the dogs cool and the house cool enough tonight so Greg and I have a chance of getting to sleep! I am now ready to concede the heat to the young. I even had my herding cancelled! That is really what I am so cranky about.70-75 degrees with the sun shining...that is prime weather!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Really, really ready!
Oliver gives voice to the excitement of the weekend for all of the cairns in attendance at the Puget Sound Earth Dog event at Whall's. I counted over 30 cairns in there with their human transporters. Everyone had a good time, cairns and humans learned a lot and we are all looking forward to next month back at the Whall's for the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club's Summer Fun Days. August 4 & 5. Lots of training and games for dogs and people.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th!
Greg and I live in a great community! This morning we had our parade around the park. All the boys and girls decorated their bikes, wagons, skate boards, dogs and carried flags through our neighborhood. Real Americana! The rest of the day was as pictured. Water balloon toss, egg toss, 3 legged races, baseball, hamburgers, hotdogs, pop, water, beer, ice cream. What a place. What is not surprising is that a lot of the kids who grew up here are moving back into the neighborhood to raise their families! What a wonderful legacy.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Back to normal
As I set here writing, I can feel dark eyes boring into my skull. Kula has not done any agility work since last Monday....almost a week. She is letting me know that if I expect her to do her weave poles in competition, I had better get them set up in the yard! I once had a friend tell me that you have to practice weave poles every single day if you want your dog to run them with no faults. I think Kula was listening!
So, I know what I will be doing tomorrow. The poles are in pieces in the bag that I took them to Montana in. I need to remember what they look like, then put them back together. Maybe it would be easier to build the new set. Then I will have better luck sorting out the pieces that are in the bag!
So, I know what I will be doing tomorrow. The poles are in pieces in the bag that I took them to Montana in. I need to remember what they look like, then put them back together. Maybe it would be easier to build the new set. Then I will have better luck sorting out the pieces that are in the bag!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Fun with my friends

A nice guy in Great Falls took this picture for us. We had such a good time. It was so darn hot there we were taking a minute in the shade as he walked up
We had to walk quite a ways from the RV parking to the grooming set up. On this day we were "breaking down" and moving on to Missoula.
We had to walk quite a ways from the RV parking to the grooming set up. On this day we were "breaking down" and moving on to Missoula.
Dena and Betsy and I were a great team. We all worked hard together, frequently in 90 plus degrees. We all fared okay, and the dogs had the best situation of all. Look at all the pups in the crates. It was cooler for them to ride than walk on the hot pavement.
Don't eat any of your Veggie Booty! It has been recalled. There is salmonella contamination.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Mind over matter?
Most of you know me quite well. I am a staunch believer in that adage. I believe to the core of my fiber that what you think is what you are. If you think you can do it, if you can dream it, if you work hard enough, with God's help, you can achieve it. If you think you are sick, you are...blah, blah, know. You have heard it a million times. Jay's patented response was, "Mom, I can never play in the NBA, no matter how much I believe I can!" Leave it to Jay...right?
As I am trying to prepare for this Montana trip of mine, I'll be darned if some old nasty bug didn't siddle up beside me and bushwack me! For the last three days, I have been dosing myself with homeopathic cures, drinking water like a camel, refusing to give in. I still will not, but today am willing to concede that maybe, just maybe, I need chemicals...okay BRING EM ON! I feel like I am drowning in drainage...if you get the picture...and it is not a pretty one, but that is as graphic as I am going to be.
So, I went to the drugstore and bought Claritin with decongestant. They sell it from behind the counter at the pharmacy..."am I sure I want to do this?" I felt a bit like a convict (I am not sure why). As the woman behind the counter was writing my name, I read the other names upside down, just to make sure I wasn't already there! Well, I figured, Jennifer takes it on a regular basis. She is a health nut, I am sure it is fine. The really good news is that I am no longer drowning, but I sure do feel odd. This is not something I would like to depend on at all...glad Jennifer is getting her crooked nose fixed so that she can stay off of this stuff.
The bottom line is the part where I say "with God's help"...well, He helped me realize I needed something more if I wanted to function at a level to allow me to leave on time!
As I am trying to prepare for this Montana trip of mine, I'll be darned if some old nasty bug didn't siddle up beside me and bushwack me! For the last three days, I have been dosing myself with homeopathic cures, drinking water like a camel, refusing to give in. I still will not, but today am willing to concede that maybe, just maybe, I need chemicals...okay BRING EM ON! I feel like I am drowning in drainage...if you get the picture...and it is not a pretty one, but that is as graphic as I am going to be.
So, I went to the drugstore and bought Claritin with decongestant. They sell it from behind the counter at the pharmacy..."am I sure I want to do this?" I felt a bit like a convict (I am not sure why). As the woman behind the counter was writing my name, I read the other names upside down, just to make sure I wasn't already there! Well, I figured, Jennifer takes it on a regular basis. She is a health nut, I am sure it is fine. The really good news is that I am no longer drowning, but I sure do feel odd. This is not something I would like to depend on at all...glad Jennifer is getting her crooked nose fixed so that she can stay off of this stuff.
The bottom line is the part where I say "with God's help"...well, He helped me realize I needed something more if I wanted to function at a level to allow me to leave on time!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Paws in Montana

This is the design my friend (Kona's breeder)Pat created for our "official" team shirts for our big adventure! Isn't it great? The GSD and Border are on the shirt because we have a few of those joining the expedition. Three of the GSD's and two of the Borders. Of course the cairn is being playful, peeking over the mountain top, because they are! I will be off Saturday morning bright and early. Greg will be "batchin it" for two weeks. Take pity on him.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thirty seven years ago today Greg and I made a promise to each other. Little did we know the road we were about to travel along. We were young and we knew everything! I was prepared for whatever that promise meant...or at least told myself I was. Thank goodness the Lord did not have a tumultuous road for us. Just periodic bumps! We have four beautiful children who have found wonderful partners to share their lives with, four beautiful grandchildren and a very blessed life. We are able to play and travel and experience the joys of living. With all of those people close enough to share those times with. We are able to see extended family a couple of times a year and share some wonderful times with all of them. Thanks to God for giving me such a hard working husband!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Watch this space.
See this cute dog?

On Friday in Puyallup she earned her first AKC Jumpers Agility leg! She scored a 95 and qualified for the award with first place. It was even more fun than the last trial...of course, we qualified! She only had one fault...she overran the front of the tunnel (almost got sucked in by the spectator vortex, but our training paid off), just a 5 point fault.
On Saturday we were entered in Advanced A Rally. I could see it now a leg in agility, a leg in rally...super dog at her best. Watch out all of you pretty dogs, Kula is here to stay.....HA! First and foremost, she IS a terrier. Her goal for the weekend was a little different from mine. Her goal was to give me a "special terrier lesson"...humility! If her agility run had one minor fault, her rally run had one minor correct excercise! Honestly, a friend said she saw Kula flip me off and at one point she actually "sat" with her back to me. It was brutal, but I was determined to end on an up note, so kept trying. She did, but I have never worked so hard for a non qualifying score.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
It is 6:15 in the morning. I have fed the dogs, had my latte and am having my morning contemplative time.The dogs are all curled up in sleep balls around me. I was thinking about some things in my life which led me to my topic. I am obviously a lark. I love the mornings, I want to watch the sun come up and wonder at the awakening earth. I love the first tentative peeps of the birds, slowly building to the full sounds of the day. At some point there, the sounds of the birds become lost in the sounds of that day....are they still "talking", or do the other sounds still the voices of happiness and greeting? I have to be careful not to be up "putting myself together" too early, or I am all ready with no place to go! Obviously, the majority of the world is something between a lark and an owl. I wonder what that would be. Hmmmm, a cow bird? Just kidding. Probably pigeons...hehe.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Kona to Montana too!
Okay all. Kona is going with me to Montana. I have him entered in Rally two of the days in Missoula. I figured, why not! We are going to have 10 days of intensive, not just Kula! Now Kona can have some more letters at the end of his name. Hopefully he will qualify both days. I think he will, then we can get another title in Lacey or Portland with our friends.
So, poor Greg/dad, will be dog friends hanging out with him while he batches it for nearly two weeks.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Taking up space
I went into my editing to try to remove the previous two blogs. I am not allowing the situation any more space in my life. I couldn't figure out how, so I am just filling up the page with other stuff. That way, the other stuff will be pushed out the bottom, where it should be! I have had a headache for two days and refuse to give it any more power.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Holding my breath.
We called the sheriff last night. Greg felt that we needed to "go on record" with them and with M.(the guy who lives behind us) that we were all done with his bullying. There was really nothing the sheriff could do;"no crime had been committed". It is our hope that a visit from the sheriff at 11:30 at night (well, we didn't plan the time, but the sheriff said that they work from 10pm to 6am and he wouldget the visit now) would calm down his ridiculous behavior. So, now I am holding my breath...will it rile him up, or send him over the top?
What an icky way to live. I hate this tension! My gut is roiling.
What an icky way to live. I hate this tension! My gut is roiling.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I hate weekends at home!!
Our horrid neighbor is at it again. He was working in the yard with a chain saw and blower all afternoon. Then tonight...80+ degrees, he had his stereo blasting. Greg went down to the fence and asked him to turn it down. We had to have the windows closed to be able to even hear the TV or have a conversation. The guy started being verbally abusive. Calling Greg names. Claimed he had called the sheriff on the dogs and we are on a "watch list". "One more time and they will be taken away." I am sure if that were the case, the sheriff would have let us know....lacking on intelligence is he...the jerk, not the sheriff.
The guy is down there being ridiculous, so the dogs ran out on the deck and started bark. He yells "oh yeah, those dogs don't, they don't bark. The sheriff is going to take them away..three strikes and you are out." What a jerk!
So, Greg called the sheriff to file a report and get it on record that the guy was yelling profanity across the fence and threatening the dogs. They said they will send someone out to talk to us. Meanwhile the neighbor is "growling and woofing" in his yard. I am sure he is trying to get the dogs to bark so he can record them.
I am sitting up here with my camera, hoping that he starts barking again so that I can record him. What a way to spend the weekend! I can hardly wait for the next show. Friday, agility...I can hardly wait!
The guy is down there being ridiculous, so the dogs ran out on the deck and started bark. He yells "oh yeah, those dogs don't, they don't bark. The sheriff is going to take them away..three strikes and you are out." What a jerk!
So, Greg called the sheriff to file a report and get it on record that the guy was yelling profanity across the fence and threatening the dogs. They said they will send someone out to talk to us. Meanwhile the neighbor is "growling and woofing" in his yard. I am sure he is trying to get the dogs to bark so he can record them.
I am sitting up here with my camera, hoping that he starts barking again so that I can record him. What a way to spend the weekend! I can hardly wait for the next show. Friday, agility...I can hardly wait!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Perfect weaves

All four times! We had four runs, four weaves and four perfect completions (on the weaves). I am thrilled. Kula did such a great job. Really she did a good job all the way around. NADAC has what is called a distance challenge (several of the obstacles must be done at a distance from your dog)which gets increasing longer and with more obstacles involved as the dog progresses. We had a tiny blip the first day, the second time we were perfect! What I learned is that I have a lot to learn and train, but it was so much fun. Look at Kula's face...priceless.

Kula loves the tunnel and all things agility!
NADAC is something. We didn't qualify for any of the 4 runs we had. BUT!!! Du,du,du....We DID get 3 FIRST PLACE RIBBONS. What did she say? I know, too wild, but evidently unless you are eliminated during a run you are still eligible to place. You don't qualify, but you can still place? Crazy! Kula was the only 4 inch veteran and she did not get eliminated in three of her runs...once I knew that as long as she came back into the ring she would not be "eliminated". Sooooo, bottom line is our first agility trial was a bit odd, but we had a wonderful experience and would highly recommend it to anyone! ...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
No course faults!!

Yipee. Kula and I had our first true agility trial this weekend. It was sooooooo fun!!!!!Kula did a terrific job. She did have a little problem with her pawperatzi....she wanted to go and see them. Kula, a real "people dog". Her biggest challenge (as in rally) is her interest in the spectators. Yesterday we had a respectiable run going and she ran out of the ring and sat on a young boys' lap! Just sat there with a big grin on her face. It was the cutest darn thing. So, I know what we will be working on in Montana for Kula.
This morning,raining. Novice Jumpers, decent run..."oh, there are my fans!". It was my fault. On the one side where I saw that there would be a problem, I was ahead of her and blocked the option. At the end of the run, coming around the top, I lagged and she took a hike again. Hmmmm. Gotta fix the handler blips.
Today....second run, raining, still. Novice Regular. No course faults! She started on a couple of times to go visiting, but came back on course and we even met the distance challenge! But, the first half of the course, she was running (well actually almost walking) too slow. So, we didn't make time. Heck! I didn't even know there was an elimination time. I did not have access to rules since I entered the trial they have been unavailable on line. It is probably just as well, I might have pressed her and caused another problem.
All things considered, I am thrilled with our first trial experience. Most of the participants were welcoming and helpful. Kula represented acceptably (better than rally). If I had entered correctly, she would have qualified at least on one run for the weekend. Hmmmm. Darn handler error again!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A Very Cool Picture
Live like a dog.
This is a strange sentence. If you understand how dogs live, it makes more sense. The only problem is that as humans we must have dreams and goals. Last night on Dancing With the Stars, Apolo Ohno kept repeating the mantra. I am paraphrasing; "Anyone can do anything they want with dedication and hard work." Of course he said it much better, but you get it.
"Live like a dog." Dogs, live in the now. They have a simple sense of justice. They are trusting and forgiving (most of the time). They love to have a job (real dogs anyway). They potty outside, but heck no one is perfect!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Crazy human games.... the rain!
It was so rainy yesterday. I am still chilled and damp. I even slept in this did all of the dogs. We are all exhasted. Rain and cold will do that to you. Enough about that. It was a wonderful weekend. Hattie almost earned a Junior leg...but you know what they say about "almost" we will try again in July at the next trial.
Everyone did really well this weekend. Earthdog players and our friends on the trail for conformation points. Congratualtions to Hunter on another point and Happy on his two reserve placements. Merlin is good to you guys. Hurry up and finish the pretty boy stuff so you can come and play in the dirt! Hehe.
Yipee! This weekend we were in earthdog trials on Widbey Island. Greg succesfully trialed Kona to a qualification for his third Senior earthdog qualification and his title. He (Greg and Kona both) were so excited. Kona knew he had done a great job. I think anytime he hunts he feels very good about himself and the job he had done..he doesn't care about our silly human games! He just likes to hunt!!! Greg on the other hand is very competitive and he loves the silly human games! He is on his way to a record for "Double Q's" for cairn terriers. That is his ultimate goal...I know it...he may not have verbalized it yet, but just wait.
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