Sunday, June 3, 2007

Holding my breath.

We called the sheriff last night. Greg felt that we needed to "go on record" with them and with M.(the guy who lives behind us) that we were all done with his bullying. There was really nothing the sheriff could do;"no crime had been committed". It is our hope that a visit from the sheriff at 11:30 at night (well, we didn't plan the time, but the sheriff said that they work from 10pm to 6am and he wouldget the visit now) would calm down his ridiculous behavior. So, now I am holding my breath...will it rile him up, or send him over the top?

What an icky way to live. I hate this tension! My gut is roiling.


jBO said...

I am so sorry!
I know how much you hate conflict.
Poor guy, he sounds REALLY unhappy.

Jennie said...

Yuck! I'm so sorry it has come to this. What a horrible feeling to have to do that. I hope it settles him down!