Sunday, July 15, 2007

I am getting excited!

for our Perry Family Reunion! I was looking through pictures from Christmas when we were all together. I happened to be going through a series of David and Cheryl's family. I was thinking wow, do they have a big clan. Then I realized....we do too! I think they are the same size unless I don't have Sarah's kid count correct. (I hope it is still only 4). What a great family (the entire total). I know we will be missing some folks this year (we did last year too) and that is a bit sad. It is always more fun when we are all there. Of course, if we never have us all together, we can forever avoid the dreaded GROUP PHOTO! That didn't slow us down last year. I wonder where that is...I need to find it!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We are excited too! I don't mind the group is a great way to bookmark and remember everyone who was there that year!