Monday, May 21, 2007

Crazy human games.... the rain!
It was so rainy yesterday. I am still chilled and damp. I even slept in this did all of the dogs. We are all exhasted. Rain and cold will do that to you. Enough about that. It was a wonderful weekend. Hattie almost earned a Junior leg...but you know what they say about "almost" we will try again in July at the next trial.

Everyone did really well this weekend. Earthdog players and our friends on the trail for conformation points. Congratualtions to Hunter on another point and Happy on his two reserve placements. Merlin is good to you guys. Hurry up and finish the pretty boy stuff so you can come and play in the dirt! Hehe.

1 comment:

jBO said...

I feel for you! BRRRR!