Sunday, August 26, 2007


I know that life is full of challenges. I appreciate that. Last weekend at an agility trial, a dog "jumped" Kula. He didn't physically harm her, but he did something far worse. He stole her confidence. We were waiting our turn for an agility run. All of a sudden this Portugese Water Dog just snarled and jumped at her. She yelped and was behind my leg so fast! As I said, she was not hurt physically, but she has not completed a run since that time. I did prevent her from running out of the ring one of the five runs since then. She did not finish any of them. Worse than that, she is fearful and wants nothing to do with the whole thing! I am so upset and sad, I can not imagine what she must be feeling. Worse than that is that I think she doesn't trust me! I was standing beside her and that dog went after her. I will rebuild that trust, I am afraid it may take a long time and it is very sad since she is so good at the course work.....there is the challenge! We are both up for it! We will run the courses together and the green ribbons will be ever so much sweeter.

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