Yipee. Kula and I had our first true agility trial this weekend. It was sooooooo fun!!!!!Kula did a terrific job. She did have a little problem with her pawperatzi....she wanted to go and see them. Kula, a real "people dog". Her biggest challenge (as in rally) is her interest in the spectators. Yesterday we had a respectiable run going and she ran out of the ring and sat on a young boys' lap! Just sat there with a big grin on her face. It was the cutest darn thing. So, I know what we will be working on in Montana for Kula.
This morning,raining. Novice Jumpers, decent run..."oh, there are my fans!". It was my fault. On the one side where I saw that there would be a problem, I was ahead of her and blocked the option. At the end of the run, coming around the top, I lagged and she took a hike again. Hmmmm. Gotta fix the handler blips.
Today....second run, raining, still. Novice Regular. No course faults! She started on a couple of times to go visiting, but came back on course and we even met the distance challenge! But, the first half of the course, she was running (well actually almost walking) too slow. So, we didn't make time. Heck! I didn't even know there was an elimination time. I did not have access to rules since I entered the trial they have been unavailable on line. It is probably just as well, I might have pressed her and caused another problem.
All things considered, I am thrilled with our first trial experience. Most of the participants were welcoming and helpful. Kula represented acceptably (better than rally). If I had entered correctly, she would have qualified at least on one run for the weekend. Hmmmm. Darn handler error again!
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