Friday, July 13, 2007

Meet the grand dogs.

Last weekend we got to spend some time with our grand dogs. Augie is on the end of the leash held by Kevin. Recee is the black dog in the x-pen with Hattie.
Augie is a rescue who lives with Kevin, Sherry and Laney in Lake Stevens. Laney is his pet lab mix. She was the first member of the family he got really excited about. The day he was adopted last summer. He participated in his first earth dog trials last weekend. He did okay for a very young dog. The first time in the tunnels, he really didn't go "in" the tunnel! Kevin was pretty discouraged I think. I suggested they leave him at "Camp Cairn" for the night so he could have more chances to practice. After some practice time that evening with "Granndpa Greg", he went into the tunnel on his next entry. Not very far, still not understanding exactly what it was he was supposed to be doing. But farther than the times before. He just needs time on the rats and he will get it. He has a very strong prey drive with toys at home, so it is just a matter of the game clicking in.
On the other hand we have Recee. She is a former show girl. A champion and holds a Junior Earthdog title. She lives with Jennifer, Alex, Kai and Maya. All humans which is what she likes. She loves to come to Nonni's and hang out with the cousins for a while, but does not want to be treated like a dog for a that long! She was at Camp Cairn last weekend too. She does understand the game, having earned a title already, but last weekend I think she wanted her family there playing with her. She hunted and had a wonderful time, but did not qualify.
Hopefully both of these guys will be able to come to the play days in August to have more fun with both canine buddies and the humans in their lives.

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