On Friday in Puyallup she earned her first AKC Jumpers Agility leg! She scored a 95 and qualified for the award with first place. It was even more fun than the last trial...of course, we qualified! She only had one fault...she overran the front of the tunnel (almost got sucked in by the spectator vortex, but our training paid off), just a 5 point fault.
On Saturday we were entered in Advanced A Rally. I could see it now a leg in agility, a leg in rally...super dog at her best. Watch out all of you pretty dogs, Kula is here to stay.....HA! First and foremost, she IS a terrier. Her goal for the weekend was a little different from mine. Her goal was to give me a "special terrier lesson"...humility! If her agility run had one minor fault, her rally run had one minor correct excercise! Honestly, a friend said she saw Kula flip me off and at one point she actually "sat" with her back to me. It was brutal, but I was determined to end on an up note, so kept trying. She did, but I have never worked so hard for a non qualifying score.
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