Monday, May 14, 2007

Making up for lost time.

I have to do a couple of blogs today to make up for being gone this weekend. Because I am a little over the top. Well, actually I just enjoy the reflection involved with blogging.

First of all I came home to a BEAUTIFUL basket hanging on the back deck. Greg bought it for me for Mother's day. It is HUGE!!!!! All of my favorite style and colors of flowers. He did such a good job. A very nice surprise.

One of the gals who is going to Montana with us in June, Rachel went home this weekend and made those of us who are going to Montana our own Yahoo group. it is The official count is 9 people, 4 RV rigs (trailers and motorhomes), 17+ dogs, 8 shows in 12 days for me, 10 days for those in the Portland area. One extra day each way for me.

We are now busy with the planning of menus and supplies and strategies for moving all of us around for those shows. Billings for 3 days, Great Falls for 2 and Missoula for 3 days. Should be so much fun. I still have to decide if Kula would be more happy going with me or staying home.....Kona is staying home, so she wouldn't be alone. I will miss her, but she hates to be hot, so she may prefer staying home. Oh well there is time....

1 comment:

jBO said...

what a thoughtful gift from Dad!