Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Perfect weaves

All four times! We had four runs, four weaves and four perfect completions (on the weaves). I am thrilled. Kula did such a great job. Really she did a good job all the way around. NADAC has what is called a distance challenge (several of the obstacles must be done at a distance from your dog)which gets increasing longer and with more obstacles involved as the dog progresses. We had a tiny blip the first day, the second time we were perfect! What I learned is that I have a lot to learn and train, but it was so much fun. Look at Kula's face...priceless.

Kula loves the tunnel and all things agility!
NADAC is something. We didn't qualify for any of the 4 runs we had. BUT!!! Du,du,du....We DID get 3 FIRST PLACE RIBBONS. What did she say? I know, too wild, but evidently unless you are eliminated during a run you are still eligible to place. You don't qualify, but you can still place? Crazy! Kula was the only 4 inch veteran and she did not get eliminated in three of her runs...once I knew that as long as she came back into the ring she would not be "eliminated". Sooooo, bottom line is our first agility trial was a bit odd, but we had a wonderful experience and would highly recommend it to anyone! ...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
No course faults!!

Yipee. Kula and I had our first true agility trial this weekend. It was sooooooo fun!!!!!Kula did a terrific job. She did have a little problem with her pawperatzi....she wanted to go and see them. Kula, a real "people dog". Her biggest challenge (as in rally) is her interest in the spectators. Yesterday we had a respectiable run going and she ran out of the ring and sat on a young boys' lap! Just sat there with a big grin on her face. It was the cutest darn thing. So, I know what we will be working on in Montana for Kula.
This morning,raining. Novice Jumpers, decent run..."oh, there are my fans!". It was my fault. On the one side where I saw that there would be a problem, I was ahead of her and blocked the option. At the end of the run, coming around the top, I lagged and she took a hike again. Hmmmm. Gotta fix the handler blips.
Today....second run, raining, still. Novice Regular. No course faults! She started on a couple of times to go visiting, but came back on course and we even met the distance challenge! But, the first half of the course, she was running (well actually almost walking) too slow. So, we didn't make time. Heck! I didn't even know there was an elimination time. I did not have access to rules since I entered the trial they have been unavailable on line. It is probably just as well, I might have pressed her and caused another problem.
All things considered, I am thrilled with our first trial experience. Most of the participants were welcoming and helpful. Kula represented acceptably (better than rally). If I had entered correctly, she would have qualified at least on one run for the weekend. Hmmmm. Darn handler error again!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
A Very Cool Picture
Live like a dog.
This is a strange sentence. If you understand how dogs live, it makes more sense. The only problem is that as humans we must have dreams and goals. Last night on Dancing With the Stars, Apolo Ohno kept repeating the mantra. I am paraphrasing; "Anyone can do anything they want with dedication and hard work." Of course he said it much better, but you get it.
"Live like a dog." Dogs, live in the now. They have a simple sense of justice. They are trusting and forgiving (most of the time). They love to have a job (real dogs anyway). They potty outside, but heck no one is perfect!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Crazy human games....
...in the rain!
It was so rainy yesterday. I am still chilled and damp. I even slept in this morning...so did all of the dogs. We are all exhasted. Rain and cold will do that to you. Enough about that. It was a wonderful weekend. Hattie almost earned a Junior leg...but you know what they say about "almost"...so we will try again in July at the next trial.
Everyone did really well this weekend. Earthdog players and our friends on the trail for conformation points. Congratualtions to Hunter on another point and Happy on his two reserve placements. Merlin is good to you guys. Hurry up and finish the pretty boy stuff so you can come and play in the dirt! Hehe.
Yipee! This weekend we were in earthdog trials on Widbey Island. Greg succesfully trialed Kona to a qualification for his third Senior earthdog qualification and his title. He (Greg and Kona both) were so excited. Kona knew he had done a great job. I think anytime he hunts he feels very good about himself and the job he had done..he doesn't care about our silly human games! He just likes to hunt!!! Greg on the other hand is very competitive and he loves the silly human games! He is on his way to a record for "Double Q's" for cairn terriers. That is his ultimate goal...I know it...he may not have verbalized it yet, but just wait.
Friday, May 18, 2007
You know you are from Washington if....

You know your a washingtonian if:
You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Enumclaw and Issaquah.
You see a person carrying an umbrella and know they must be a tourist.
Eating seafood isn't anything special.
Your daily commute to work involves riding a ferry.
You know the difference between "showers followed by rain" and "rain followed by showers".
The sight of Mt. Rainier is still awe inspiring.
You yell at the TV if they pronounce the name of a city wrong or make an inaccurate Seattle reference on "Frasier".
You rarely wash your car because it's just going to get muddy again tomorrow.
You wouldn't dream of putting an air conditioner in your house.
You go to Eastern Washington to get some sun.
You can drive from your home to a lake, a river or the Puget Sound in 20 minutes or less.
You take a heavy coat and a hat with you for a day at the beach.
You have learned to assume that Christmas will not be white, but rainy.
You expect snow for Valentine's Day.
You've owned the same bathing suit for years because you never have a chance to wear it out.
You still can't believe the new Seahawks stadium is open air.
Your phone book contains a tide table.
You only visit the Space Needle if you need someplace to take out of town guests.
You or someone you know works at Boeing or Microsoft.
You "Do The Puyallup" every year.
You feel guilty throwing something away that could be recycled.
You use the word "sunbreak" and know what it means.
You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
You know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon.
You never go camping without water proof matches and a poncho.
You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.
You buy new sunglasses every year because you've lost last years pair after such a long time not needing them.
You measure distance in hours.
You often switch from heat to a/c in your car in the same day.
You use a down comforter in the summer.
You know how to pronounce geoduck and know that it doesn't quack or have feathers.
You get upset when a store doesn't carry your favorite brand of bottled water.
You can tell it's summer because the rain is warmer.
You think the "Middle East" is Ellensburg and the "Far East" is Spokane.
You realize no education is required to be a weatherman. Just predict, "Partly cloudy with a chance of rain."
You have an earthquake story, and so does everyone else you know.
You can identify five different cities by smell alone. (Tacoma anyone? - Tacoma Aroma)
You think summer starts in July and winter in September.
It's not a real windstorm until your lawn ornaments blow away.
You've used every setting on your intermittent wipers.
You can't imagine living through a tornado or hurricane but you secretly think earthquakes are kind of fun.
You don't know what a turnpike is and have never paid a toll to drive over a bridge. (Narrows soon though.)
You prefer one mountain to the another.
You've stood on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" Signal.
You understand that if it has no snow or has not erupted, it is not a real mountain.
You can taste the difference between Starbuck's, Seattle's Best, and Tully's.
You are well versed in the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food.
In winter, you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark -- while only working eight-hour days.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Washington.
PS to those who have never been to Washington - these really explain most washingtonians. Its actually quite scary how closely I relate to most of them.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
With my excited announcement about my Hawaii trip, I am seriously recommitted to MOVING MY BODY!!!!!!!!
It will be okay with me if you ask me how that committment is going.
I was looking at the pictures of the kinds of things we do when we are on the island...I have got to get moving more....seriously! I also have to pull out the weights and get busy with them.
My favorite place on earth!
Yipee! Today I booked our Hawaii trip. I am so excited. I love Hawaii, it is my favorite place on earth. We stay at a condo developement called Hale Kai O'Kihei. It is in south Kehei behind Star Market. It is old, but right on the beach, I go to sleep to the sound of the ocean, wake up to the sound of the ocean. It is heavenly. We are overlapping two days with Jennifer, Alex and the kids. We always have a great time with the family in paradise. I sure hope they wait and do the road to Hana after we are there. It is a tradition...gotta do that with the entire gang. Everything is a little more alive with the kids around. Gosh, I better get to work to find a place for the dogs! I spent 2 hours last night figuring out show, earthdog and agility trial schedules. Who would have thought life would be so confusing!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Update on Montana plans
The count is 19 dogs (possibly). I am thinking I will take Kula, the question is where would she be the happiest...I realized, I am the human and I want her with me, so I think she will be going. Gary has 3 GSD's, I originally was only counting 2. I am thinking the count is 19!
11 people (possibly). This is variable because on of the gals may be taking kids with her. Maybe Dena's daughter...maybe Casey's son(s).
4 rigs (definite). At this point unless we add anyone else! Two motorhomes, two trailers.
I am going to squeeze in some agility equipment, so Kula and I can continue to work a bit every day (well, that we are parked).
I am excited to spend some time in Montana. It is such a beautiful state.
My 35th Mothers Day
After reading Jennie's post, I realized that Sunday was my 35th Mothers day! The really wonderful thing is that I think my family does a good job of making me feel appreciated and honored most days. I try to let them know how much I appreciate them too. My wish for the "daughters" in my family...both biological and imports is that on their 35th Mothers day they can feel the same love and satisfaction that I felt on mine.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Making up for lost time.
I have to do a couple of blogs today to make up for being gone this weekend. Because I am a little over the top. Well, actually I just enjoy the reflection involved with blogging.
First of all I came home to a BEAUTIFUL basket hanging on the back deck. Greg bought it for me for Mother's day. It is HUGE!!!!! All of my favorite style and colors of flowers. He did such a good job. A very nice surprise.
One of the gals who is going to Montana with us in June, Rachel went home this weekend and made those of us who are going to Montana our own Yahoo group. it is montanaherewecome@yahoogroups.com The official count is 9 people, 4 RV rigs (trailers and motorhomes), 17+ dogs, 8 shows in 12 days for me, 10 days for those in the Portland area. One extra day each way for me.
We are now busy with the planning of menus and supplies and strategies for moving all of us around for those shows. Billings for 3 days, Great Falls for 2 and Missoula for 3 days. Should be so much fun. I still have to decide if Kula would be more happy going with me or staying home.....Kona is staying home, so she wouldn't be alone. I will miss her, but she hates to be hot, so she may prefer staying home. Oh well there is time....
First of all I came home to a BEAUTIFUL basket hanging on the back deck. Greg bought it for me for Mother's day. It is HUGE!!!!! All of my favorite style and colors of flowers. He did such a good job. A very nice surprise.
One of the gals who is going to Montana with us in June, Rachel went home this weekend and made those of us who are going to Montana our own Yahoo group. it is montanaherewecome@yahoogroups.com The official count is 9 people, 4 RV rigs (trailers and motorhomes), 17+ dogs, 8 shows in 12 days for me, 10 days for those in the Portland area. One extra day each way for me.
We are now busy with the planning of menus and supplies and strategies for moving all of us around for those shows. Billings for 3 days, Great Falls for 2 and Missoula for 3 days. Should be so much fun. I still have to decide if Kula would be more happy going with me or staying home.....Kona is staying home, so she wouldn't be alone. I will miss her, but she hates to be hot, so she may prefer staying home. Oh well there is time....

I spent Mother's Day weekend playing in the dirt with my dogs! Well two of them. Kula will have nothing to do with the rats. Maybe someday. We were in Turner Oregon which is out in the country east of Salem. The site was a 300+ acres farm owned by people who do earthdog with Dachshounds. Very nice people in spite of that!
Kona earned a "leg" toward his next title called Senior Earthdog. Hattie also did well, she is learning to bark at the rats. She is going down the tunnels, but doesn't want to bark. She passes what is known as Intro to Quarry.
Best of all, we saw some of our friends who own Cairns and had a wonderful time outside with our dogs!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Look at the profile

Last night we celebrated Mothers Day.
Jennifer will be at Whistler on a mom's getaway. Hope Alex's sprained ankle feels better. A weekend of hanging out with the kids will cure it or kill it!
Val will be in Turner at Earthdog. There aren't too many chances to do earthdog, so better strike when we can. Sooo, we celebrated early. Aren't we smart? We get the best of all worlds, all we need to get together again! As usual, we ate and laughed, and laughed and laughed. WE LIKE TO BE TOGETHER. What a nice thing to say.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Memories of his uncles

Today Kai and Maya were over while their mom got her hair done. I was grooming a dog for a client and so the kids got to watch a movie. When I was all finished, I came in and looked downstairs and this is what I saw. So crazy! All of my boys spent many hours in the same state...with glove on head, in hand, on knee, wherever it landed. The time goes so fast and yet doesn't seem to move at all.
To top that off!
There will actually be 3 rigs, 7 women, 1 man (not Greg), 16 cairns?, 3 german shepherds all traveling together. We are show all by ourselves!
To top that off!
There will actually be 3 rigs, 7 women, 1 man (not Greg), 16 cairns?, 3 german shepherds all traveling together. We are show all by ourselves!
Motorhome Invasion
So, I came to the conclusion that my dogs kind of like their motorhome. I was trying to make the final decision about whether to take it (the motorhome) on a trip to Montana. Two of my friends and their dogs and I are going out there next month. My question was answered when I considered "How can you compare shlepping dogs and gear in and out of hotel rooms to this!?"
The next step was convincing one of the travelers that this was the way to go. We did it...without too much effort. (I assured her she could take a shower or potty any time she wanted.) After all, the motorhome is for our comfort! Not to be a hostage to the fear of the dump station. It is gross....but ya gotta do it.
If you haven't seen the movie RV, do it, it is funny. I think I will buy it to watch on our trip. So, back to the dump station. I equate the feeling I get as I jump down from the drivers seat sort of like the one I get when someone has a powder room in their house right next to the area where everyone is sitting (like my house). Anyway, I cringe when I drive up and there are other people at the dump stations. Invariably (if it is men), they will stand around and stare (is it because I am a woman?). I sort of feel like this is kind of a private thing...after all, it is my toilet I am dealing with....but then, I don't like people standing around watching while I pick up dog doo either! Maybe they can't believe I drove in there, or that I know how to hook things up...I don't know. Maybe as Greg claims, I am just a freak of nature. Okay, how did I get off on that tangent?
The point is, 3 women, 7 dogs, 2 weeks in Montana. Priceless...it will be fun!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Gemma's new home

I just got this picture from our friend(and Kona's breeder)Pat Gentry. Gemma is a sweetheart of a cairn girl. She is the mother of several of the puppies of my friends. Boey, Happy and Hunter. We are thrilled to see her new family. Look at the look in her eyes! It made me cry. She knows she is in her forever home.
Monday, May 7, 2007
There are rats down there.

"Hey, don't bother me. Don't ya know I am about to go hunting?" Kona got to do his absolute favorite thing this weekend. Maybe even more fun than hanging out with his humans! He got to go play earth dog. We had a blast. Kona and Hattie both did a great job. Looking forward to next weekend when we get to do it again!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Picture below
The picture below isn't like the tunnels at Hathor farm. It is the creation of some folks in California with way too much time on their hands. But, the dogs actually went through it exploring!
Human games for dogs
This weekend we have gone to the dogs....again! We are "earthdogging" on Widbey Island. The Dauchsound club is hosting the event at a wonderful place called Hathor Farm. Earthdog is a sport that allows dogs bred to "go to ground" an outlet for this natural instinct. The object is to show up at a remote location at a ridiculous early hour to register for a chance to "play". Then we wait around for our turn to allow our dog a chance to run down a man made fully lined tunnel to the end where lies a set of caged (usually sleeping)rats. They get to bark at them for a while and then we decide they are finished with the game and it is time to leave the sleeping rats. Initially young dogs are pretty hesitant to participate. After all, the tunnel is 9 inches square...first red flag for the dog. "That is a really big hole, there must at least be an elephant down there, I am pretty small to go into that dark hole to see if there is....". As they mature, and learn to trust us, they figure out we would not ask them to go down there if there was anything truly bad in there, so down they go. "Oh look, a cage of sleeping critters!" "I will respectfully lie here and wait for them to wake up and see if they want to play." They hang out a bit, get bored and come back out the way they went in. "Mom, there are some cute little critters asleep, don't worry, I didn't bother them." So, since we have paid for our turn, we encourage them to go back down the tunnel and will them to bark at the critters in the cage. (NOT smart dog manners!) Why would you waste energy barking and moving. If you want to catch the critter, you would wait for them to move so you can read body language and pounce on them......Okay. How do we (the handler)figure out a way to relay our wishes for them to bark and dig at the sleeping critters,this isn't really hunting, it is a silly human game. (Note the picture)Now each time we take a turn to go into "the hunt", it is costing money. With the progression of skill level, the cost increases. The dogs love it all, as silly as it sounds, they get very excited when we reach the site. Even Kula who doesn't play this silly game. (It is beneath her, being for peasant dogs.)I think they just love hanging out with their humans, they do the same thing when I get to the farm where I have herding lessons. Anyway, it gets us all out doing stuff together and lets our dogs play games relating (in a very human way) to their heritage!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
I know!
It isn't actually THE day, but it is the day we are celebrating! Today is the day the family is getting together, having dinner and having our party.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
New commitment.
Day before yesterday I went to Nordstroms. All of you women know why I would have gone there...right. Okay, in the grim light of the dressing room, I came to a new agreement with myself. I am starting to move my body again...more...now! Part of my problem has been my shoes. It is surprising how much a pair of shoes will influence your commitment to walking. The shoes I owned were not fitting correctly, so when I was finished walking, my knees, ankles and back were killing me. Duh! It just came to me why I had stopped walking. I was not aware of it when I stopped walking, it was not a decision not to walk, but because the side affects were so negative, I was not motivated to move. I even would go to Alderwood and walk every day, but never in my walking shoes. Then I was made aware how much gas I was using, so stopped that. Next stop...the Nordstrom dressing room. Very scarey! I am moving again, more, now!
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