Friday, March 23, 2007

A new blogspot!

Three of my four kids now have thier own blogspots. Yipeee. Jay has joined the fun. I have links on the right hand side of my page (under the dogs looking out the window) with my favorite links. Now we just have to get Kevin and Sherry up and running and we will have an ongoing story of our family. Everyone has to remember to read and comment on the others though, that is part of the fun. Well, of course we need to remember to be watching for the funny things going on in our lives....that is really fun. Like apricots!


Brian Perry said...

It's a bloggers world! Don't forget we also have The more links we have on the web the more traffic will be directed that way, so everyone LINK UP!

Jennie said...

I hope Kevin and Sherry join the fun! With them living so far away now, it would be a great way to keep in touch with their lives!