Thursday, March 22, 2007

Agiltiy with Kula

Agiltiy with my darling girl is never a dull moment. To begin with on the way into the building she got so excited that she started coughing and wheezing and carrying on so much that I got concerned that something was seriously wrong. She had never pulled against her leash to cause any trauma and by the time it was time to get going, she was willing and eager. Then she decided that running out of the ring would be fun. There is a really nice lady in a wheel chair (perfect lap) that she just had to see. This lady does an amazing job with her dog "Rocky" and I am sure Kula just wanted to tell her that. Well, we shut the gate for her next run. She was doing pretty well until she Pooped...literally....on the course! There aren't many things that rattle me. Pooping in the performance ring is one of them. Everyone was very good natured and understanding. She is so darn cute and such a good girl after all. Third and final run to go.....she aced it....nearly...with just one little tiny blip on the weaves...redone perfectly....the best part of the night. Her huge big smile the entire time. SHE LOVES IT!!!!!


jBO said...

How funny!

Jennie said...

Too funny! I was just asking Brian the other day if any of the dogs ever poop while being shown. Leave it to Kula!

What a free spirit she is! :)