Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cool milk frother...

Look at this! Dena sent me a surprise for my birthday. Now, when we are in the motorhome, we will froth in style. It is beautiful and I really appreciate the thoughtfullness of the gift! Now I have to find a stainless steele espresso maker (one that I can't melt the handles on)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from northern BC, Canada. I Arrived from google images to see your picture of your 'earth dog'. We have a miniature Dachshund and a second one soon to arrive. With major hunting instinct...good thing we have lots of bush for their enjoyment.

I noticed you mentioning a stainless steel stove-top espresso maker. We have a similar one to the one on this website: ( )

We have had a similar one for over 10 years in our RV.