Kula is okay, she blew her ACL today. We were out in the field at Fido Farms and the dogs were just running around being silly. I didn't see what happened, except that all of a sudden, Kula wasn't running. Then tried to walk and couldn't! As soon as I checked her and knew it wasn't a broken leg, in the pit of my stomach I KNEW what it WAS!! I am counting my blessings. We live in an area where the surgery she will need is fairly routine. My new vets office has a surgical guy with a good reputation. I had heard a gal talking about him not too long ago, having had the same surgery for her dog.....coincidence? I am counting blessings. We can afford to do this. For the next 4 months Kula is not allowed to do anything except potty on leash. No running, jumping, chasing the ball, weave polls, nothing! At least she has cute leashes.....and best of all. When this is all over.....SHE WILL RUN AGILITY AGAIN!!!!
My family and friends will appreciate this. Last night I went online and found some transportation for her....(She won't have to share with the Pap!) It is the doggie equivalent to BOB...actually it isn't, there are some much fancier ones. This one is good for up to 30 pounds and the crate comes off and can be used without the wheels. So, Kula will still be able to run around with us...just a differnt mode for her. She is such a little athlete, this is going to be a LONG 6 months of healing and rehab!
I have been wondering how do we keep her muscle tone decent while she isn't allowed to do anything. To bad Sherry isn't a doggie therapist.. Maybe this will open a new doggie door for her!
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