a test to become a United States Citizen? MSNBC had this link on their homepage this morning. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25461301/from/ET/ You will have to copy and paste this, I can't seem to get a live link. Anyway the website scores the test for you and you get to see (in my case) that you have forgotten a lot of the civics that you had to know to graduate from high school.
It is interesting to contemplate the kinds of requirements to have this honor if you are not born in this country. Maybe we should all start acting like we really, really WANT to become good citizens. I bet we would surprise ourselves!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Our "Bunch of Grapes"...
Yes, I am a "new Grammy". No, I am not obsessive! Hattie is a very good mom and is totally enjoying her new role as Queen of the Red Room (the room upstairs which has been converted to the puppy nursery). She REALLY loves all the additional food. New mom has figured out a sort of system for "holding" the babies in the warm zone and it is quite cute. She sort of "stashes" them under the pig rail and between the bumper of her bed and the side of the whelping box. Of course, anyone who knows puppies knows this only works for as long as they are passed out from their glut of nursing!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hattie and Kona are proud parents!!
Of course Kona is clueless. Hattie did a great job whelping. She didn't need anything from me. I did help a bit with bringing the babies around for her to clean up. She is laying contentedly with all the babies cupped in her front arms and under her chest with her head laying over them all. She is going to be a very good mom.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Where does the time go anyway?
In my defense, I have been blogging on the nwpawsacrossamerica blog, but I haven't blogged on my own since Maya's birthday. That is awful! I guess that means my life is boring right now? ....yeah, it is. I am on puppy watch. Hattie is due to whelp 4 puppies sometime this weekend.

Kona was attacked last weekend by a lab in our neighborhood. Greg was walking him. He did have a wound, poor guy. Totally unproked.

Oh, there is the trip to Canada 3 weekends ago. Here is one of the highlights of that trip!

Time does fly!
Kona was attacked last weekend by a lab in our neighborhood. Greg was walking him. He did have a wound, poor guy. Totally unproked.
Oh, there is the trip to Canada 3 weekends ago. Here is one of the highlights of that trip!
Time does fly!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
The journey of the fava
They have sprouted! My friend Lorin was quick to remind me that they are a cool weather crop...all I need to do is move them to the front porch! Voila, cool weather. As soon as they get a good start, I will move them out there. Today I also planted two more artichokes and some red lettuce. So, now I have three artichoke plants (having been assured by the lady at the nursery that they would easily mature in our growing season), one tomato plant, and my little row of fava beans. My little suburban grazing farm is on it's way.

Today is a day to reflect on our blessings. It is a day to honor the amazing sacrifice people have made for us and for our country. ...
It is Memorial Day. I am so appreciative for and of our military. Agree or disagree with our political leaders, Please honor and respect those who serve and have sacrificed. Take a minute to say the words to someone you know, who has given of him or herself, say the words to their family. Take the time to make yourself a little uncomfortable. Take the time to say; "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE!" We are a blessed nation!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
New Endeaver for Jennie
Check this out! A very talented photographer.
Of course, I am unbiased!
Check this out! A very talented photographer.
Of course, I am unbiased!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Can you say; "Fava"?

I say "Yum!"
Greg and I were down in Sonoma county staying on a small vineyard there. The owners are friends of ours, they live the Sonoma lifestyle. Including a wonderful array of foods and wine. They have two acres in grapes, enough to make the wine Otis wants and sell top quality grapes to a couple of wineries in the area.
Dinners were amazing. Lorin would throw together this and that and we would feast. One night my contribution was schucking and then peeling the fava beans...grown there in her kitchen garden (yes, I am JEALOUS). I have had fava beans before, in a cold salad and while I thought they were okay, nothing spectacular, the beans we cooked way out passed the "okay" designation! She used them in a sort of stir fry creation and they delighted and amazed all senses. One of the most amazing things about this rave is that she had paired them with baby artichokes....ALSO grown in her kitchen garden.
Otis is building their house and he built the house they live in while he is building the big house. In addition, he manages their rental properties and makes this fantastic wine. It is amazing now, someday, it will be spectacular!
Otis has invited Greg to come at the end of summer to help with the harvest and Greg is excited about it. I wish we lived close enough for Kevin to be able to shadow this guy. His workmanship is something else. Actually, I wish I lived close enough!!! Like right there in Sonoma county!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Eyes on the prize
We had our birthday celebration for Kevin yesterday. My mom came up with her dogs Lucy and Enslow. Jennifer, Alex, Kai and Maya came with Recee, Kevin and Sherry with Lanie and Augie, Brian, Jennie and Jameson. I love family gatherings. It was fun sitting and talking after dinner, we ate around 5:30 and before we knew it mom was racing out the door because it was already after 7 and she wanted to be home before dark. Since home is about 90 minutes away, she undoubtedly didn't make it. I hope she wasn't too upset. Brian, Jennie and Jameson were all Hawaiian tanned...there is something special about the real thing, it isn't just color, it radiates warmth. Jameson is nearly walking and a little teaser, so fun to watch him play. All in all a totally wonderful day. Worth all the work? Absolutely!!! I wish I could figure out how some families end up playing games, I think talking is this families favorite game!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time flies
Wow, I can't believe I haven't written on here all month. Kula had her surgery and everything went better than can be expected. This after me totally going ridiculously fearful about the surgery! She got her stitches out today. All of them, front dew claws and surgery site. There are no bandages on the front legs any more and she is being pretty good about leaving them alone...off and on.I did have to put the cone on for a few minutes when we first got home because she would not stop licking her feet. Not the surgery sites, but her toes.
The knee repair site was really long. Probably five inches. I was surprised that it is so big. She still has a huge bandage on it, in an effort to keep the knee stable while it continues to heal. It is sort of like a soft cast. She will have that on for several more weeks.
It has been a very busy several weeks, I have come out of it with an overwhelming feeling of relief and knowledge that Kula and I have a lot of work ahead of us!
The knee repair site was really long. Probably five inches. I was surprised that it is so big. She still has a huge bandage on it, in an effort to keep the knee stable while it continues to heal. It is sort of like a soft cast. She will have that on for several more weeks.
It has been a very busy several weeks, I have come out of it with an overwhelming feeling of relief and knowledge that Kula and I have a lot of work ahead of us!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Maui envy!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Motor Home woes....
I am to be leaving tomorrow around noon for a dog show, with the motorhome. Problem is that the motor home is at the doctors office again...and won't be ready until about 1. That means that I am going to be trying to leave the Seattle area with everyone else for Easter weekend. UGH!!!!! It wouldn't be so bad, except that Betsy and Dena are meeting me at the show venue. They are driving up from Portland....UGH! Well, just keeping my fingers crossed that it is ready when they say it will be.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Trip to Portland

I also went down to Albany and did rally on Saturday and Sunday. No qualifiers this weekend, Excellent is way different than Advanced. In Excellent I think the judge really tries to make it hard for you to pass. Kona did well on Saturday, the team did not. The "team" was totally out of it on Sunday! Fun with friends, but no greens this week.
Friday, March 7, 2008
New focus for Spring....

Kula is okay, she blew her ACL today. We were out in the field at Fido Farms and the dogs were just running around being silly. I didn't see what happened, except that all of a sudden, Kula wasn't running. Then tried to walk and couldn't! As soon as I checked her and knew it wasn't a broken leg, in the pit of my stomach I KNEW what it WAS!! I am counting my blessings. We live in an area where the surgery she will need is fairly routine. My new vets office has a surgical guy with a good reputation. I had heard a gal talking about him not too long ago, having had the same surgery for her dog.....coincidence? I am counting blessings. We can afford to do this. For the next 4 months Kula is not allowed to do anything except potty on leash. No running, jumping, chasing the ball, weave polls, nothing! At least she has cute leashes.....and best of all. When this is all over.....SHE WILL RUN AGILITY AGAIN!!!!
My family and friends will appreciate this. Last night I went online and found some transportation for her....(She won't have to share with the Pap!) It is the doggie equivalent to BOB...actually it isn't, there are some much fancier ones. This one is good for up to 30 pounds and the crate comes off and can be used without the wheels. So, Kula will still be able to run around with us...just a differnt mode for her. She is such a little athlete, this is going to be a LONG 6 months of healing and rehab!
I have been wondering how do we keep her muscle tone decent while she isn't allowed to do anything. To bad Sherry isn't a doggie therapist.. Maybe this will open a new doggie door for her!
Monday, March 3, 2008
4 Points in Canada

It was great fun. A very small show, Kona did very well, brought home 4 of the 10 points needed for a Canadian Championship. We will go again for sure. We took the motorhome and Greg decided he didn't need to take his passport....or birth certificate. Mistake. The border guy going back to the U.S. was highly incensed that I had my passport and Greg had nothing...go figure. I was worried they would decide to "teach him a lesson" and search the motor home. They did not
We were up at Cloverdale, a suburb of Vancouver. The people were very nice. It was almost like stepping back in time of dog shows, sort of low tech and not too many people. Hardly any motorhomes, most that were there were quite old. It was fun, pretty cold, but fun.
We went to dinner on Saturday night with friends. We went to a place called Bistro Pastis. IT WAS FABULOUS! They specialize in steak fritte, but it was upscale and a lovely menu. I had an endive salad instead and it was one of the best things I have ever eaten. I would highly recommend the place. It was in Vancouver proper. Kits_____, some long name I don't remember, but fondly called Kits by the locals. www.bistropastis.com
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Catching up
I can't believe the last blog was on the 15th! Lots is happening.
I am working on a display for the Seattle Kennel Club show coming up next month. I went out to Kevin's and he "helped" me build...well, actually he built them for me....6 panels, 6 ft by 2 ft. I painted them,figure out how to hinge them, put backs on them and then decorate them with educational info for the breed booth.
I am headed up to Canada to see if we can get Kona a Canadian Championship. It is a lot different there than here and totally possible for it to be done in a 3 day show sequence.
I just took all the dogs to a new vet. I really like her, she is a block from the house and she LOVES reproductive stuff. So, if Hattie has any problems, help is close!
I watched Jameson for a short time last week. I forgot when I committed to this week that I had a hair appointment. Jennifer said she would cover for me. Now I just have to hear back from Brian. He isn't the best at answering his phone.
The motor home just got back from the shop...again. Hopefully for the last time for awhile. I am supposed to be taking it out for the emmisions test (how did I get roped into that again?). The license is expired and it needs emmisions before it can be purchased.
Okay, that is it in a nutshell.
I am working on a display for the Seattle Kennel Club show coming up next month. I went out to Kevin's and he "helped" me build...well, actually he built them for me....6 panels, 6 ft by 2 ft. I painted them,figure out how to hinge them, put backs on them and then decorate them with educational info for the breed booth.
I am headed up to Canada to see if we can get Kona a Canadian Championship. It is a lot different there than here and totally possible for it to be done in a 3 day show sequence.
I just took all the dogs to a new vet. I really like her, she is a block from the house and she LOVES reproductive stuff. So, if Hattie has any problems, help is close!
I watched Jameson for a short time last week. I forgot when I committed to this week that I had a hair appointment. Jennifer said she would cover for me. Now I just have to hear back from Brian. He isn't the best at answering his phone.
The motor home just got back from the shop...again. Hopefully for the last time for awhile. I am supposed to be taking it out for the emmisions test (how did I get roped into that again?). The license is expired and it needs emmisions before it can be purchased.
Okay, that is it in a nutshell.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Disney Report
I have delayed blogging about Disneyland because I had no pictures to attach. You see, Greg downloaded all of them to his computer. It was the one we took with us. I asked him if he would make a disc so I could have them. He said sure, but I understand this is going to be on his time. So, I have learned to adapt. We had so much fun in Disneyland. It is hard to believe we could walk our legs off for 5 days and call it fun. The weather was absolutely perfect. Sunny and moderate, even a bit hot a couple of afternoons. Friday, Saturday and Sunday the park was so crowded. We still had fun. I would highly recommend that anyone considering going would go on weekdays. Most families are not as flexible as ours. No matter what the circumstances, we make the most of it. We had fun and enjoyed each other even though the parks were very crowded. Kai and Maya were troopers, they too were very flexible and good natured. We talked at the end of the trip about changing things up next time. Not spending so much time at Disneyland, checking out some of the other things to do in Southern California. Of course every year we talk about doing things differently and then the next year, we just go and have lots of fun and Disneyland and California Adventure. Hopefully next year there will be more of us and the parks will be new all over again! (Hint, hint...Brian, Jennie, Jay, Danielle, Kevin, Sherry.....come on!)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Baby it's cold outside!

Snow fell last night. I woke up to the hush that is only found after a big snowfall. We got about 5 inches total, the dogs were very happy, the grandkids were very happy. I was very happy that Greg shoveled the driveway and sidewalk before he left for work. It is beautiful. I can hardly wait to miss it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Headed to Puyallup!
The dogs and I are so excited! Tomorrow is the first of the Puyallup shows. The motor home is at the house and the dogs know a trip is in the air! They love to go, so they are running around like goof balls when they are not following me back and forth to the door as I load stuff. I will take off with them in the morning in the car. Kona shows at 10:30 and I don't want to have to try to get things set up out of the motor home and get him ready to go. Greg can't leave til afternoon, so I will hang out in the grooming area until he gets there. It is very exciting and we are ready to go! (To bad we don't really have anybody for the conformation ring this year....)
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thoughts about my wonderful family.
First of all, I love my family. They mean more to me than words can ever express. We all need therapy! I am not kidding. At Christmas, my kids and I all become some kind of manic group. We have to spend every possible minute together. On top of that we have to stay up way too late, do way too much and force our spouses to try to cope with the lunacy! My son and daughters in law all do an amazing job. They keep smiles on their faces (most of the time) and play our silly games...both board games and manic family games.
It almost begins at Thanksgiving. Jennifer and I started going out the day after Thanksgiving several years ago. We now drag any of the "sisters" who will go with us. Thus begins the lunacy! We haven't purchased anything on that day for many years. It isn't really possible to find any bargains unless you get there far earlier than we do. (This year the malls opened at 12:01) We just go to feel the "season" and laugh and the people who are so stressed. (See, I told you we need therapy!)
Next year I hope to come up with a way to have a more meaningful, less manic Christmas season. Maybe I will begin with not going out on that Friday. Maybe not. Maybe we should go away for Christmas. Maybe not. I am sure something will come to me. Hopefully we will be in a different house.....that is another issue.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
HAPPY 2008!!!!!!!!!!!
I just brought the new year in with my husband of 37 years and friends who we have celebrated with for close to 20. Life is good and full of rich blessings. See you soon!
I just brought the new year in with my husband of 37 years and friends who we have celebrated with for close to 20. Life is good and full of rich blessings. See you soon!
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