Sunday, August 26, 2007


I know that life is full of challenges. I appreciate that. Last weekend at an agility trial, a dog "jumped" Kula. He didn't physically harm her, but he did something far worse. He stole her confidence. We were waiting our turn for an agility run. All of a sudden this Portugese Water Dog just snarled and jumped at her. She yelped and was behind my leg so fast! As I said, she was not hurt physically, but she has not completed a run since that time. I did prevent her from running out of the ring one of the five runs since then. She did not finish any of them. Worse than that, she is fearful and wants nothing to do with the whole thing! I am so upset and sad, I can not imagine what she must be feeling. Worse than that is that I think she doesn't trust me! I was standing beside her and that dog went after her. I will rebuild that trust, I am afraid it may take a long time and it is very sad since she is so good at the course work.....there is the challenge! We are both up for it! We will run the courses together and the green ribbons will be ever so much sweeter.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Agility class is over

Our current session of agility is now officially over. We have lots of trials coming up. Two in Enumclaw this coming weekend. Two in Redmond the following weekend. We are going to run a course called FAST this weekend, guess I better pull out the rules and refresh myself! Because of trips and stuff going on, I can't sign up for another class right away. Too bad, Kula loves it so much. Hope to have an agility title this weekend, that would be fun!

Friday, August 10, 2007

A little thing

It is such a little thing.....
My computer is now hooked to a printer! I am so thrilled. I am now able to print things for myself. Since I returned from Montana, the only option I had was to forward Greg the things I needed printed and wait for him to do it for me.
Many have said I am a bit of a control freak. I think this proves I am not. I have been very laid back about all of this. I must admit, just a couple of day ago, I did dump about a dozen requests on him. Do you think there may be a connection to my current "connected" status? Hmmmm.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Fun Weekend

We just spent the weekend at the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club Fun in the Sun Weekend. It was a lot of fun. On Saturday, we had lots of performance events presented for folks to try out. We did earthdog training, agility, flyball, and rally.

Kula and Kona each earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen Award. I wish I would have entered Hattie. It was a very limited testing option, only 11 allowed and I had 2 of the slots, I already felt like a bit of a little pig, so decided that Hattie could get hers the next time it is offered.

Anyway, that means more letters at the end of their names. Kula RN, CGC. Kula has one agility leg earned on her way to her first agiltiy title. Ch.Cairngorms Coffee, Tea or Me SE, CGC. Kona also is on his way to a Rally title with one of two "legs" earned. Hattie is learning some of the things she needs to know to get started with her performance titles.

A lot of folks attended the event over the two days. There were lots of options for people to try new things and I think everyone had fun. My grandkids came on Sunday and got to take a couple of dogs around playing games and ended the day taking Recee and Kula in the ring for conformation. They really had a wonderful time and were darling...of course!