Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Time with Kai

Today I got to pick my grandson up from school. He is now 8 years old going on 28. Not in a snotty or bad way, he is just a very serious, mature kid. When he saw my car in the school driveway, he just exclaimed; "Oh yeah!", popped the door open and hopped in. No greeting or surprise. He pointed out my dogs to his friend who was standing there, sat back and let out a big sigh. It was such a funny situation, thinking back, I just had to giggle. So, as we were riding along, I asked him what grade he is in. "Nonni, you know what grade I am in." was his response. I had to explain that talking to him was not like talking to most 2nd graders, so it was hard for me to remember that was his grade level. That seemed to molify him as to the reason for my temporary stupidity. Made my partially cloudy day totally sunny!

1 comment:

jBO said...

CUTE! He was pretty excited about the whole thing as well! Thanks for your help.