Sunday, April 29, 2007
A trip to paradise.
Or close to it. My youngest grandson went on a roadtrip to the sunny side on Friday. Some of my favorite times have been on roadtrips. My earliest roadtrip I can remember was a cross country jaunt with my parents from the east coast to the west. Back then, we were in the back seat of some big sedan and we had the measles! I can remember that they had made a platform back there by putting something on the floor and bedding over everything. Ever since, I have loved roadtrips! I used to "kidnap" my kids and take off on some adventure. Sometimes we would stretch it to a couple of days. It was always so much fun. Greg could never really understand it, it didn't make a lot of sense to him, but after a great number of years, finally came to accept it as one of my many quirks! Roadtrips were the way we "indoctrinated" the women who would become our son's wives! One of my favorite local roadtrips is to Leavenworth. There is something magic about breaking over the crest of the mountains into that clear blue sky where you can see the horizon miles and miles away. That is where Jameson got to go with his parents. If you ever need to make points with me...suggest a roadtrip!
A reason to celebrate!
Yesterday was my son in law's birthday. Alex is such a great guy and it was wonderful to help mark his special day. I love birthdays, it is the day that your loved ones can acknowledge your special place in this world. My family is terrific, so any reason to get together is another reason to celebrate...and if it is at Jennifer's you know the food will be good. Or you have a realistic expectation that it will be. I won't say anything else until I clear it with her, but yesterday a landmark event occured, hehe...and it had nothing to do with Alex. We missed Jay, Danielle, Faith and my mom (she was under the weather), but loved sharing the time with those who were there!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Last night Brian and Jameson came to Kirkland while mommy was at an appointment. They went to Aunt Jen's house since it had been a while since she had seen the baby. I went up too, I mean after all when they are that close who could pass that up? So, Brian can in with Jameson in his infant car seat. His eyes were squeezed shut, you could tell he was starting to want to wake up. Brian was just about on the brink of concern (okay a little stronger word than that....). He took Jameson out of his seat to hand him off to Jennifer, who swooped him up like any eager Auntie! All the while, Brian was going on about how you had to "intercept the mood" (not his words, mine). You get the picture. He said we were "on the bubble" and it "was the dinner hour, so watch out, we don't want him to start". It was the typical near panic of the guy who can do nothing about that peak of passion only an infant can reach when they are sure there will be no end to thier hunger! Auntie Jen handled it like a pro...which she is. She took him and let him be a little uncomfortable (it is good for them) and then "cooed" him into a state of calm. Alex came in, did the same thing...he is a pro too. At that point I left. I don't know if Jameson ever spiked into the peak or if disaster was averted. It made me giggle to see Brian so animated about Jameson's possible discomfort. (If he only knew what he is in for!)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Exactly how?
Exactly how my grandson Kai lost his tooth at dinner is a wonderful hysterical story. I am sure that is one of the stories Jennifer has primed to blog herself! So, I am leaving it. Suffice it to say it involves an expressive husband and father telling a very funny story at not as funny as the fall out!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Everyone needs therapy!
A phrase my daughter, Jennifer uses often. We laugh about it. My kids all have come to be responsible, open loving adults with wonderful partners in life. It was not an easy trip for some of them, easier for others. The point is that we all have "stuff" we deal with throughout our lives. Sometimes we choose healthy responsible ways to deal with it, sometimes not. Hopefully we can come out the other side of the "stuff" and our decisions regarding it as whole adults able to live and love and laugh. Able to trust God and His loving plan for us. I am so proud of my kids. They seem to have made it thus far. Maybe it is because we laugh alot. Maybe it is because of my rose colored glasses. I just know that on this side of them, all things are possible. Yes could have even played professional basketball!
Right of passage
As I watch my kids with thier families, I find myself reflecting on the significance of rights of passage. Is there such a thing? Of course there is! For example; walking. First you walk, then you teach your child, then you watch as your child teaches his child. Potty training....same sequence (of course there is the reinforcement of the diaper to aid this along). The tooth fairy, boy is she getting taken advantage of. It used to be that a tooth brought a dime or a quarter for a molar. Not now, for crying out loud that poor fairy has to haul around an ATM! I was at a store today that even had a special tiny pillow with a tiny cutely decorated pocket on it just for the tooth. I guess with all the effort for the poor girl to haul around the ATM someone figured she might not have the energy to look for the tooth under a regular bed pillow! So anyway, that brings me to the latest right of passage for my darling 8 year old grandson. At dinner on Uncle Kevin's birthday, Kai lost his tooth. Not the first, but the first I was able to take a picture of. Happy right of passage, Kai! I am so thankful to be part of your life.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Look what I got to do today!
This morning Brian called and said he and his family were going on a "fieldtrip". What was I doing this afternoon. They all came out for a visit! It was a beautiful day and we even sat out on the lawn for about 30 minutes. Brian kept wanting him all unwrapped, Jenny and I would uncover him and then cover him up again as soon as Brian would walk away. It was very fun. Grandkids have amazing powers. They steal grandparents brains and hearts. We just sit around smiling at them!
Jameson was so darn cute. Brian is a real kick with him. Jenny is such a good mom and very good with Brian's antics!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Four blogs in my mind
Jennifer proclaimed tonight at dinner that she has four blogs written in her mind. I sure wish she would put them in her blog. Greg claims she has the best banner out there anywhere. I wouldn't agree, I think mine is! The point is that he says she is wasting the banner because she doesn't write often enough. Anyway, I wish she would write in her blog. It is so much fun to read. She has such a funny sense of humor and great style of writing.
Yard work marathon.....
....yesterday. Kevin rode his motorcycle down early in the morning and he and Greg got to work on the yard. Sherry came after a training at work. I had rented a pole saw trimmer. More power...Kevin loved that! I had to leave for awhile to go to the baby shower for Jenny Peterson. Anyway, cleanup, weeding, cutting some of the HUGE limbs hanging into the yard from the neighbors, for many hours. I was working on planters and did some weeding. I moved some lavendar, moved a rose, planted some new grasses and still have more to do. I can barely move anything without pain today! I can't imagine how Kevin must feel after playing with that pole saw! I don't have words strong enough to relay my gratitude for that act of service. There is still a lot of work to do, but manageable at this point. Last week it seemed overwhelming! Thanks so much! (BTW, the bad neighbor has ordered I think he said 5 trees because he claimed we had gone crazy cutting things down.) What a joke. As hard as Greg and Kevin worked on that trimming, if I hadn't said anything, you would not be aware that we had more light coming through those trees.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Baby shower musings
So, tomorrow a friend and I are hosting a baby shower for our good friend Nanci's grandson, Harper Ray. I am thrilled to be doing this, but I have to wonder.... Back in the day, a baby shower was to help a couple accumulate all of the "stuff" for the new addition to the family. Now days, young couples have it all. A lot of young families don't have cars big enough to haul around all of the required supplies for the newest addition. So, it actually is not a shower, in the sense of the traditional, but a party of the grandest sort. Friends and family gathering together to celebrate the continuation of that particular gene pool. Of course since it is a party, we have to bring gifts...for the baby....I wonder when Jenny and Eric will buy a bigger car!
Sinking to new levels.
This evening I sunk to a new low. I intentionally did something to annoy another human being. Not the usual annoying little things that a person might do to get a spouse to pay attention to them. This was a malicious, mean spirited thing. We have a neighbor who lives directly behind our property. He is the kind of person who has not one single bit of consideration for anyone. Well at least none of his neighbors, I did overhear him speaking kindly to an old gentleman I assume was his father...suprised me that he actually had one. Oops, I digress. Anyway, this evening I was working on the deck replanting flower boxes. I was totally enjoying the beautiful spring evening. Out comes this guy, turns on his outdoor radio speakers loud enough for the neighbors across the street from us to hear them. Takes the lid off of the hot tub and fires it up. I was so mad I was steaming. I slammed the door as I came inside and suggested to Greg that he should go out, fire up the chain saw and do some pruning! When he grinned and said maybe he should go mow the lawn with the gas lawn mower, I did nothing. I was actually relishing the white noise of the mower and not being able to hear KJR from the neighbor. The really sad thing is I realized he had won. I had sunk to his level!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
What is wrong with this picture?
We were having such a good time. Enslow loves to herd as much as I do! Today we had a lesson with our coach, Chris Soderstrom out at Fidos Farm near Olympia. It is such an awesome place. Today was fabulous. Sunny, but cool enough that neither, stock, dog or handler were uncomfortable. Enslow did a wonderful job. He really had his working dog brain on. We were working on lambs and they had just been sheared, so they were really feeling "fiesty". Enslow did a good job rating them and doing what he needed to do to keep them under control. I am so thankful that I am able to have the opportunity to pursue something that makes me feel so good.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I miss my Hawaii kids!
We sure miss Jay, Danielle and Faith. Of course I also miss Maui..especially this time of the year. I am all done with cold weather and ready to be where it is warm! Jay, Danielle and Faith have been surfing. Learning to ride the big board! How fun, I can hardly wait to see them. I think I may be past needing to ride myself, but who knows, once I see everyone out childhood may come roaring back!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Kula and I went to an agility fun match today! She had a blast and did such a good job. She got her weave poles 100% all three runs. That is huge. Now I know the next time in the ring, she may totally blow me off, but for today we did great. It was so much fun. As an added bonus, Hattie got to go down some practice tunnels that Puget Sound Earthdog Club stores on the site. She had been afraid of the tunnels last year, but looks like she has grown up, she went all the way through a junior level tunnel two times. So, next month she may earn a leg toward her first title. The very best thing is that I found a practice facility where Kula and I can go every day pretty close to home. And it is outside!!! Yeah!
Friday, April 13, 2007
"From nobody, I learned it from myself!"
My favorite kind of lesson. Otherwise known as epiphanies. These lessons are the ones I think come directly to us from God. We just know them. We don't have to struggle through any kind of learning, nor do we have any battle with acceptance. We just know. Lessons from God, lessons of a childs heart. I love it. Thank you Maya, and thanks Jennifer for reminding me.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
How can he be that old?
It is the 13th of April.(unless you are reading this on a different day) Kevin's 25th birthday. How can he be so old? He is the baby. Ten years between him and Jennifer who is the oldest! I am certainly NOT old enough to have children so old. I don't feel like I could be that old. I know that in my mind I don't feel like I am that old. I really didn't mean for this to be about me or old age! It is a happy occasion. We will all be together for dinner and another family celebration of living. I love it when we are all here (love it even more when we are at someone elses house, hehe) talking and laughing. The only thing that would make it any better would be if Jay, Danielle and Faith were here too! Okay...sooooo....HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN. We love you.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I love agility
I love agility. Kula has so much fun when she even sees the equipment! There is an addage in agility which says that if you want to be good, then you must have weave poles at home and practice every single day without fail! We do that. Kula has done the weaves the last three days without ever doing one thing wrong. Tonight we had our lesson. Kula completely acted like she did not even know what weave poles are! She is such a terrier! The thing I did wrong was to leave the weave poles always in the same place. We practiced coming from each direction, but not with them placed in different directions! So, we start again tomorrow. This time moving the weave poles to different places on the deck and we practice every single day without fail. Then, it will be something different, but it is about so much more! It is about the relationship Kula and I have. It is about what we both are learning each day. It is about fun and trust and excercise. It is my special anti-alzhiemer remedy!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter pictures
Time with Kai
Today I got to pick my grandson up from school. He is now 8 years old going on 28. Not in a snotty or bad way, he is just a very serious, mature kid. When he saw my car in the school driveway, he just exclaimed; "Oh yeah!", popped the door open and hopped in. No greeting or surprise. He pointed out my dogs to his friend who was standing there, sat back and let out a big sigh. It was such a funny situation, thinking back, I just had to giggle. So, as we were riding along, I asked him what grade he is in. "Nonni, you know what grade I am in." was his response. I had to explain that talking to him was not like talking to most 2nd graders, so it was hard for me to remember that was his grade level. That seemed to molify him as to the reason for my temporary stupidity. Made my partially cloudy day totally sunny!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Fun pot luck
On Saturday...not Friday when the weather was blamy and the sun was shining. We had a fun potluck with our cairn friends. Not the cairns, the folks who feed the cairns! The Wolfes and Gary (the G.S. guy) were parked next to us. We had a cool compound going. Anyway, tons of food, people we enjoy and a fun time. You can see from the picture that weather was not the highlight that day! Although, it was the second most talked about topic. The first of course being our dogs.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Lovely Easter
We had a wonderful day today. Kevin and Sherry hosted Easter in thier new home! It was absolutely delightful! Brian, Jennie, Jameson, Jennifer, Alex, Kai, Maya, Greg and myself were all there. We had lamb on the barbeque, a wonderful salad, a scalloped potatoe dish, asparagus, and pie and ice cream. Everyone pitching in and bringing things and cooking. It was terrific. The Easter bunny had made a surprise stop because he heard that Kai, Maya and Jameson were coming out. The older kids had fun hunting "eggs" in the front yard. Being with family celebrating in God's love is my idea of an idyllic day. Greg and I had driven up in the motorhome from a dog show in Centrailia and got there about 3, so it was perfect timing. I am sure the neighbors were wondering about the motorhome parked on the street! I sure took up a lot of the street. Especially with the construction dumpster across the street! I am sure Kevin and Sherry will enjoy the view a lot more when that is gone!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Bloggable moments
I just read my daughters blog from yesterday. The thought struck me that maybe the best thing about blogging is that you start looking for what I call "bloggable moments". I commented on her blog that even seemingly boring days have those magic moments that become more apparent as we look for things to bog about(I know improper sentence structure). I love blogging and love it even more when people take the time to comment on my blogs.
Beautiful morning
As I sit here in the early morning predawn drinking my latte(sharing the foam with Hattie and Kona, Kula will have nothing to do with foam!), I am struck by how blessed I am. It is to be a sunny day (Yipeee) and I was almost getting angry that as important as the sun is to my attitude and activity I have to live where it is such a special event to have a day like today. Then...wait a minute! Be thankful, honor where you are, this place and time. There is grace and beauty in my life and I have an amazing family! I have so many activities and hobbies that are not dependent on sun (and I own tons of fleece)! That wonderful invention changes the perspective of any day. The best thing is that I can decide what my attitude will be....if I lived where the sun shines every day, maybe I wouldn't celebrate those days with such enthusiasm! Guess I need to find my sunglasses and give myself a pedicure, it is to be in the high 70's today! It is!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Hattie is home!
The surgery went well. A little more extensive than anticipated, but she a strong healthy little girl and we will hope for the best! Look at the bandage for crying out loud. The bad news is she is a scratch for sure for the shows this weekend, sure hope we don't spoil the major. There is really nothing we could do about it, but I am still sorry. Hopefully there is no nerve damage or extnsive scarring. We will just wait for the healing on those points. For two weeks we have to try to keep her activity level down....right now not a problem, but as she feels better, it could be a challenge. We are up to it and she is certainly worth it!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Now this is wierd
I got this from a friend. It is too crazy. Have fun with it.
I got this from a friend. It is too crazy. Have fun with it.
Scarey Thursday
Happy Birthday Jameson!
One week yesterday! Boy did that go fast. Right Jennie? Can it get any better than this? I love digital pictures! Brian is such a good dad and I am so proud of how much he helps Jenny. "Back in the day" most dads weren't very involved with infants especially! Jameson is a week old and already Brian has changed more diapers than Greg did through four kids!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Hey family---Get posting!
Come on everyone, start posting!!!! I enjoy reading what is going on in everyone's life. Even the nonsense, what may be boring to you stuff. It is a fun non intrusive way to be part of each others lives! Love you all.
A look at what I love
Here is a photo taken by Tish Pollock at herding camp last week at Brigands Hide Out. The coach in the field with me is Dave Viklund. We are practicing what is called a flank. It teaches the dog to be out far enough to turn the sheep the direction the human part of the team is asking. One of the things that is hard for Enslow to get is to stay far enough away from the sheep so that they are not too nervous (runnning), but close enough that they are moving the direction I want. That is your herding lesson for today. I mostly wanted to share the picture. It was taken Thursday and it was nearly 70 degrees that day! Any day in the field is a good day, days like that are spectacular!
Monday, April 2, 2007
GROSSOLOGY of sorts....
Uncle Kevin and Aunt Sherry took Kai to "Grossology" at the Pacific Science Center on Sunday. I am living with my very own form. My sweet puppy Hattie has what is called a button tumor (Cutaneous Histiocytoma). It is supposed to be no big deal, except where it is on her leg has very little fatty tissue, it has grown to about the diameter of a quarter, and as a result, on Saturday morning it got ripped. We had already scheduled a date for removal just in case any problems developed. On the way home from Battleground on Saturday, she made a real mess of it. It is bad enough to look at, but that is just a small part of the grossness of it! Let me go back a bit, the surgery date isn't until this coming Thursday. So, we are coping. She got antibiotics today (you all know how much I hate having to give that). The other dogs won't leave her alone cuz they think something has died on her leg and she is really cranky about it and on top of all that, she has to wear a cone so she leaves it alone. Yuck!!!!!!IT IS ALL TOOO GROSS!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
I'm back!
Wow, what a crazy week.
This grin doesn't even begin to cover it! I was at herding camp at Brigands Hide Out in Battleground Washington. Four world class clinicians and 5 days of herding! PLUS a new grandbaby, WOW!!! My brain feels like it is going to pop with all of the great stuff I learned. Most important, I have to remember to take a book next time so that I can write it all down. The trainers were; Roy Sage (he is the guy that got me hooked on this crazy sport), Dave Viklund, Larry Painter, Lynn Leach. Wow, what a powerhouse lineup. I learned so much from all of them, each with a slightly different way to look at things. You know what they say, you have to hear something many times before it sinks in....... I HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL OF MY SPACE!!!!! I get it, I just have to keep hearing it and hearing ways to do it. Enslow did a terrific job and has come miles from where he/we were last year at this time. He is turning in to a really nice herding dog. Now we know some things to make him even better. Watch out....I have my training plan for the next six months! Okay, more later. Glad to be home...sort of.
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