Thursday, May 13, 2010

A strange reaction...

Maybe sleep deprivation? I read the part of the article that said the pirates were "released" 300 miles from shore with no weapons and no navigation equipment. it isn't funny that they apparently died, but I just started to giggle thinking of the "justice of the seas"!
If you just scan the headlines, it appears that Russia "released" the pirates because they didn't have enough proof to hold or charge them. That part is scary, especially if they had to know that the chances of them surviving that far from shore, where slim.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Five are on their way.

Hattie had her x-ray yesterday. Five are on their way, sooner than we thought. They had all been moving into birth position and her temperature has dropped. The temperature is one harbinger of impending birth. Last night I was convinced because of that and some of her activity it would happen then...well, we are still waiting! Everything stopped around midnight. I have to take her temperature this morning, but for now, she continues to grow....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

And now we wait...

Hattie is 10 days away from her whelping date. It is to be May 16. May 10 we have an x-ray scheduled so that we know how many puppies to expect.
We bred her to Goren, Champion SB&K Criminal Intent owned by Carol Onstad. He is Sully's dad and Alex's litter mate.
She happily checked out the new whelping box Greg made for her.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Families are like puzzles

Each member a piece...

My oldest son is 35 today. Wow. I still remember the day. It was hot in Las Vegas. Over 80 degrees. What a blessing he is.

Our puzzle would not be complete without him.