Wow, I can't believe I haven't written on here all month. Kula had her surgery and everything went better than can be expected. This after me totally going ridiculously fearful about the surgery! She got her stitches out today. All of them, front dew claws and surgery site. There are no bandages on the front legs any more and she is being pretty good about leaving them and on.I did have to put the cone on for a few minutes when we first got home because she would not stop licking her feet. Not the surgery sites, but her toes.
The knee repair site was really long. Probably five inches. I was surprised that it is so big. She still has a huge bandage on it, in an effort to keep the knee stable while it continues to heal. It is sort of like a soft cast. She will have that on for several more weeks.
It has been a very busy several weeks, I have come out of it with an overwhelming feeling of relief and knowledge that Kula and I have a lot of work ahead of us!