First of all, I love my family. They mean more to me than words can ever express. We all need therapy! I am not kidding. At Christmas, my kids and I all become some kind of manic group. We have to spend every possible minute together. On top of that we have to stay up way too late, do way too much and force our spouses to try to cope with the lunacy! My son and daughters in law all do an amazing job. They keep smiles on their faces (most of the time) and play our silly games...both board games and manic family games.
It almost begins at Thanksgiving. Jennifer and I started going out the day after Thanksgiving several years ago. We now drag any of the "sisters" who will go with us. Thus begins the lunacy! We haven't purchased anything on that day for many years. It isn't really possible to find any bargains unless you get there far earlier than we do. (This year the malls opened at 12:01) We just go to feel the "season" and laugh and the people who are so stressed. (See, I told you we need therapy!)
Next year I hope to come up with a way to have a more meaningful, less manic Christmas season. Maybe I will begin with not going out on that Friday. Maybe not. Maybe we should go away for Christmas. Maybe not. I am sure something will come to me. Hopefully we will be in a different house.....that is another issue.