I got to have Jameson hang out with me for a couple of hours yesterday...Halloween. As you can see by his "costume"!
We had so much fun together. The best payoff was the big smile as his dad took him out of the car and I said "Hi" to him!
We went for a walk to have a play date with Harper, but we were late, so Harper had left for a picture appointment. Jameson played with some of Harper's toys at Auntie Nanci's house and then told me he was ready for his nap.
We walked home, enjoying the brisk autumn day. Me walking beside the stroller and him smiling and talking about the leaves and telling me all about his wonderful life so far. (I had to walk beside, because I can't see him if I am walking behind!)
All too quickly mom was there to take him home and our time for this day was ended.
About 45 minutes later, Darth Vader (Kai), and Ariel (Maya) arrived for our traditional chili before the evening Trick or Treat/Harvest Festival. The only kid missing was Faith! Seeing all four would have made it a perfect day, but as I said, it was a "Heavenly Day"!